Special to WorldTribune.com, December 12, 2022
Corporate WATCH
Commentary by Joe Schaeffer
If you only knew how much the Republican establishment hates you.
In the latest public revelation that “free market” faux conservative elites are every bit as determined to use the biological weapon of massive Third World immigration, both legal and illegal, as globalist leftists to create a “New America,” the George W. Bush Presidential Center has issued a shockingly blunt report celebrating the ongoing demographic transformation of this once-sovereign nation.
“Immigrants and Opportunities in America’s Cities” is the title of the report. It aptly reflects how U.S. cities are the tip of the spear in the monolithic effort to obliterate what once was a socially and culturally cohesive America.
The treatise is authored by Cullum Clark, whose official title is “Director of the Bush Institute-SMU Economic Growth Initiative at the George W. Bush Institute.”
Clark checks all the usual boxes found on the pro-massive immigration economic “right.” His bio at SMU reads:
Dr. Clark worked for 24 years in the investment industry, serving since 2002 as President of Prothro Clark Company, a Dallas investment firm. [He] is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations [and] the Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations.
Clark’s Bush Center bio shows he has degrees from Harvard and Yale and “served for one year on the staff of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.”
Ivy League education, speculative finance and globalist and Deep State connections all in one resume.
Clark’s report under the auspices of the official presidential center of a two-term Republican White House officeholder serves to illustrate how clearly the GOP establishment is aligned with progressive globalist elites such as George Soros.
In August, WorldTribune detailed how Jeb Bush, former Florida governor and brother of George W., is deeply tied financially to Bill Gates.
In March, WorldTribune related how Soros’s money funds the flooding of U.S. cities with Third World migrants.
The Bush Center fits the Soros agenda to a T.
What follows is dense and lengthy, but meant as an urgent alarm. The disastrous decline in the quality of life in America today has so many of its roots in the communal fallout from the biological warfare of massive demographic change. This warfare is traced below.
Clark’s introduction bizarrely presents the Biblical “Tower of Babel” as a positive development:
History teaches that most great commercial cities have benefited from inflows of skilled people from elsewhere, including other countries. Skilled immigrants such as textile craftsmen and financiers made pivotal contributions to leading cities of early modern Europe like Venice, Amsterdam, and London, according to the French urban historian Fernand Braudel. Immigrants were so ubiquitous in these cities that one observer referred to each of them as “a Noah’s Ark,” “a fair of masks,” and “a Tower of Babel.”
Clark lays out all the ways America should welcome and cultivate this deluge. Under a subheading titled, “How cities can attract enterprising immigrants and help them learn, earn, belong, and contribute,” he writes:
Cities, like nations, are engaged in a ferocious competition for talent, whether they recognize it or not. City governments and local communities can pursue – and in many cases are pursuing – a variety of strategies to attract newcomers and help them thrive.
[S]mart strategies for promoting immigrant success and thereby enhancing opportunity for both native-born and foreign-born people include the following:
Welcoming policies: Clear messaging from local leaders, dedicated information resources for immigrants, welcoming approaches in schools, support for foreign-born job seekers and entrepreneurs, clear pathways to naturalization and voting, and legal assistance.
High-impact policies to help immigrants thrive: English language programs, pathways to transfer foreign training and credentials, and refugee resettlement assistance.
Lest there be any doubt, Clark, speaking on behalf of the Bush Center, makes it clear that illegal aliens must also be allowed to “thrive”:
More generally, the Bush Institute believes that Congress should pursue immigration reform based on the following principles:
Dreamers – young people brought to the United States as children but lacking legal status – should be able to gain permanent residence and apply for citizenship.
America should uphold our longstanding tradition of welcoming refugees and asylum seekers.
We should manage our borders through investment, innovation, and by helping our neighbors.
Our immigration systems should meet the needs of our 21st century economy.
We should create a more efficient temporary foreign worker entry program.
The United States needs a rigorous, fair process for undocumented immigrants to get right with the law.
In another section of the report, Clark praises Boston’s radical leftist mayor for her policies supporting illegal aliens:
In Boston, Mayor Michelle Wu launched an initiative in early 2022 in partnership with local schools and nonprofits to expand education and job training for Dreamers – young people brought to the United States as children but lacking legal status.
A section on “upward mobility” gives away the fact that defending and promoting non-European migration is at the heart of this demographic revolution:
This pattern of superior upward mobility for second-generation immigrants holds true for people from nearly every origin country. Children of immigrants from China, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, India, Nigeria, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador whose parents were at the 25th percentile of U.S. household income – that is, they earned less than 75% of the population – make more on average than the children of similar native-born families.
The normalization process continues with the assertion that Muslim immigrants are more patriotic than native-born Americans:
Immigrants also express more optimistic attitudes than native-born Americans on opportunity in the United States. 92% of immigrants surveyed in a 2019 Houston study agreed with the idea that one can succeed here if one works hard, as did seven of 10 Muslim immigrants in another survey. In both cases, these percentages exceeded the shares of native-born people who agreed. More immigrants than native-born people express confidence in U.S. political institutions and say they’re “proud to be an American.”
Clark exults in how massive immigration is fueling the transformation of suburbs from pleasant residential areas to further extensions of the overcrowded, ever-expanding supercities:
Table 6 shows the Top 25 performing of our 106 select counties on our composite score for where immigrants are thriving best….
Twenty-one of the 25 top performers are large, mostly fast-growing suburban counties. All 21 are what we have previously characterized as urbanizing suburban places – suburban areas that increasingly perform all the functions of traditional core cities rather than acting only as bedroom communities.
The profound demographic upheaval in American counties is happily registered by Clark:
Transformed suburban communities: The large migration of immigrants from core cities to fast-growing suburbs has transformed the demographics of many suburban counties and cities. Collin County [Texas] has seen the foreign-born share of its population rise to 21% in 2020 from 3% in 1980, even as the county’s overall population has soared. Gwinnett County’s [Georgia] immigrant population share has grown to 26% from 2% over the same period. Suburban counties in large metros almost match their neighboring core urban counties for foreign-born population shares.
A lengthy section dismisses the notion that massive immigration depresses the wages of native-born Americans and then follows that up immediately with a barely concealed defense of the need to utilize these newcomers for cheap labor:
Immigrants account for approximately one in three hands-on health care workers in U.S. cities. Nigerian immigrants, for instance, fill a large share of home health care jobs in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Foreign-born people constitute 19% of the health care workforce in Minneapolis-St. Paul and 27% of all doctors in the Great Lakes region as a whole, enabling several cities in the Upper Midwest to revitalize their economies around medical institutions.
Immigrant workers are essential to the construction industry in America’s cities. They constitute more than 60% of construction workers in the Northern Virginia suburbs and more than 70% in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Declining immigration rates since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic have contributed significantly to labor shortfalls and soaring construction costs, fueling home affordability challenges and other rapid price increases in cities throughout the Nation.
The message: The American economy cannot survive without vulnerable cheap foreign workers. This corrosive mentality is literally bringing the days of the sweatshop and the horrors of child labor back to the U.S. workplace.
Sickeningly, Clark states that enforcing U.S. immigration law in the workplace must be discouraged in order to help create a “welcoming” environment for all newcomers:
Avoid nonwelcoming messages: City and community leaders should avoid and oppose politically motivated measures like urging landlords to refuse undocumented applicants and closing sites where immigrant day laborers gather, or even urging immigrants to leave, as numerous city leaders have done in recent decades.
The assault on native-born Americans continues as Clark urges for a vast expansion of the H-1B visa program:
Congress should also modernize the H-1B visa program, allowing more foreign-national professionals to work in the United States and reducing the burdens on employer applicants.
At a time when an enormously unpopular Democrat sits in the White House, this Bush Center apologia for the demographic replacement of the American people serves as a valuable reminder that the pre-2016 Republican Party of Bushes, Doles, McCains, Ryans, Cantors and Romneys are every bit as responsible for the perilous state of our constitutional republic as the worst Soros apparatchik running amok in the Biden administration today.
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