Conservative? 2017 Bush Center forum featuring Nikki Haley was hatefest against America First Republicans

Special to, October 29, 2023

Corporate WATCH

Commentary by Joe Schaeffer  @Schaeff55

Nikki Haley is not going to be the Republican presidential nominee in 2024. This much we know. But something more than rejection appears to be happening. Lanes of relevance are being obliterated in the GOP today.

What makes Haley’s otherwise dull and predictable campaign interesting is to watch the soap box she is perched on collapse beneath her feet. For the ramifications go far beyond her. Pre-2016 Republicans are getting taught a stern lesson that apparently did not take in that transformational year: the old ways of “conservative” posturing are gone, and they are never coming back.

Recent events confirm it. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) has thrown in the towel, choosing not to run for re-election. Romney had to face two bitter facts square in the eye: One, that he was likely to endure a stiff primary challenge due to his never-ending Never Trump finger-wagging, and two, that even if he somehow managed to survive and capture a second term he has maneuvered himself into a position of total irrelevance on a practical policy level. Marginalized by his own actions, all Romney had to look forward to at best was another six years as the upper chamber version of Adam Kinzinger.

Nikki Haley is the next ‘old school,’ or should we say ‘Bush School,’ Republican in the firing line. / Video Image

Former vice president Mike Pence has also abandoned his vanity presidential run, which never even hinted at gaining traction. It was an unrealistic endeavor, but the fact that Pence was not just vanquished but humiliated by his total lack of resonance with the GOP grassroots base sends a clear message that other professional “conservatives” running for elective office anywhere in America cannot fail to receive.

Which brings us to Haley. The former South Carolina governor is the next “old school,” or should we say “Bush School,” Republican in the firing line. Like Romney and Pence, she shares an antipathy for the America First populist spirit that drives the GOP base.

On Oct. 10-11, she dutifully trekked to Utah to seek the blessing of Romney and Paul Ryan at a gathering they were hosting in a move that further accentuated her stark divide with grassroots Republicans.

What a GOP establishment that would have the sheer gall to invite NBC News propagandist Lester Holt, who in 2021 infamously conducted the network’s repulsive whitewashing of Ashli Babbitt’s cold-blooded killer, to moderate its next presidential primary debate fails to understand is just how much globalism is radioactive poison among GOP voters.

Despite an unprecedented censorship campaign aimed at keeping the curtain drawn, tens of millions of patriotic Americans are now fully aware that there is an organized, interconnected and big money-funded apparatus that aims to destroy the U.S. nation state in the name of internationalism. Those who echo, amplify and align with this apparatus behind a thin fig leaf of “conservatism” are seen not just as unpalatable candidates, but something more sinister.

Nikki Haley appeared at a “conservative” event thoroughly aligning with this apparatus. It was overwhelmingly and demonstrably hostile to the America First voters who will now decide her fate.

In the time since Trump first entered the White House in January of that year, ex-president Bush the Younger has fully revealed his true nature. In Dec. 2022, the George W. Bush Presidential Center released a report celebrating the George Soros-abetted Third World “refugee” invasion of America’s cities. Ask Chicago or New York City how that’s going these days.

In 2021, Bush shamelessly marked the 20th anniversary of 9/11 by openly comparing Trump supporters to terrorists. Given the language utilized by Bush in the immediate aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001, the remarks amount to a declaration of war against American citizens.

This vile mindset was on full display on Oct. 19, 2017 as Haley appeared at the Bush Center’s Spirit of Liberty forum.

Just as he did four years later, Bush gave a virulently anti-nationalist speech at the event:

We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism – forgotten the dynamism that immigration has always brought to America. We see a fading confidence in the value of free markets and international trade – forgetting that conflict, instability, and poverty follow in the wake of protectionism.

We have seen the return of isolationist sentiments – forgetting that American security is directly threatened by the chaos and despair of distant places, where threats such as terrorism, infectious disease, criminal gangs and drug trafficking tend to emerge.

Make no mistake, Bush was steadfastly defending globalism and declaring its implementation to be inevitable:

We can’t wish globalization away, any more than we could wish away the agricultural revolution or the industrial revolution. One strength of free societies is their ability to adapt to economic and social disruptions.

The Spirit of Liberty forum was nothing short of a showcase for the proponents of the assault on American sovereignty. The Bush Center’s description of the affair highlights the company Haley was keeping. How’s this for an inspiring trio?

The event included… a conversation on American leadership with United States Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, and United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

The progressive ruling establishment’s credentialed arms were also well represented:

There was also a panel discussion on domestic issues featuring: Jean Case, Chief Executive Officer, Case Foundation and Chairman of the National Geographic Society; Mel Martinez, Chairman of the Southeast & Latin America for JPMorgan Chase & Co., former United States Senator and former United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; Wes Moore, CEO, Robin Hood Foundation; and Jeffrey Rosen, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Constitution Center.

Watchdog website Influence Watch has a dossier on the Case Foundation’s leftist philanthropic leanings. And here are Jean and Steve Case in June 2020 as the Summer of George Floyd was about to commence:

As we write this, as two white, privileged people, we know we must commit to continue to learn, listen and do more. We started the Case Foundation more than 20 years ago to invest in people and ideas that change the world, particularly those that sought to bring hope and opportunity to those in the greatest need. Recent events remind us that we still have a very long way to go.

Corporate Watch on Oct. 15 documented the Robin Hood Foundation’s efforts to fuel the “migrant” floodtide into New York City and the organization’s active partnership with Soros-funded radical leftist groups to push “decarceration” policies so extreme that convicted felons would not be sent to prison.

Further highlighting the ongoing civil war in the GOP right now, the uber-connected wife of globalist multi-millionaire Dave McCormick, the man who has been “unanimously endorsed” by the Pennsylvania state Republican Party to be its nominee for the U.S. Senate next year, serves as board chair at Robin Hood.

See how all the threads run together?

And Jeffrey Rosen uses his cheesy “National Constitution Center” stylings to attack Trump and his supporters as an existential threat to democracy. In August, he wrote a long-winded “Saturday essay” in The Wall Street Journal. Get a load of this:

On social media, with a business model of “enrage to engage,” posts meant to spark our partisan passions travel further and faster than those based on persuasive reason. Democratic transparency and participation have grown in ways that the Founders couldn’t have imagined, extending long-overdue rights and liberties but also levelling the speed bumps they put in place to promote thoughtful deliberation by elites.

Transparency is a threat to elite-crafted “thoughtful deliberation.” These are the people Nikki Haley hung out with at Bush Fest 2017. Oh, by the way, did we mention that it was sponsored by HBO and Pepsi?

An official Bush Center of its 2017 Spirit of Liberty Call to Action report shows it repeating progressive ruling establishment talking points about “Russian interference” in US elections:

The newest and arguably the most insidious danger is the effort of foreign governments like Russia to influence American political discourse and undermine the credibility of our democratic election process. This is an extraordinary development, and for America an unprecedented one.

“Among the necessary responses,” the Center presses for mass censorship of the American people:

Enlist social media in the fight.

Information distributors like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Reddit can promote greater transparency, help impede the spread of questionable and false stories, and incentivize users who push back against disinformation and propaganda….

Help Americans become better consumers of news and information. Americans need to be better equipped to interpret what they encounter in the media, from new social-media platforms to traditional broadcast and print media.

Internationalist trade treaties meant to destroy America’s domestic manufacturing ability are heralded as part of the Call to Action:

Revive ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Finalize negotiation of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)…. Twenty-five years after NAFTA was negotiated, there is broad recognition that it should be updated. Yet renegotiation cannot become an excuse for American withdrawal or capricious limits on market competition. Business and labor leaders need to revisit this agreement and find a way to assure Americans that this is in fact a good deal.

Trivia time: Is the following from a Soros-funded agitprop group or the Bush Center Spirit of Liberty Call to Action report?

Racial and ethnic tension and polarization are also on the rise. High rates of incarceration in the United States and its disproportionate effect on minority communities, as well as controversies about policing in some places, pose troubling questions about the credibility of the promise etched above the entrance to the Supreme Court: “Equal Justice Under Law.”

The violent neo-Nazi and white supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 highlighted the rise of what David Brooks describes as “white ‘identitarian’ politics” – a new and growing strain of illiberal populism that threatens America’s social order. Slavery has been America’s besetting sin, and while progress toward racial equality and reconciliation has certainly been made over the course of our history, we are far from a whole and healed land.

Oh, you guessed Soros? Wrong. It’s on page 10 of the

A closer look at the section on social media censorship shows it calling for “algorithmic changes to impede the spread of questionable and false stories, and award[ing] ad credits to users who push back against disinformation and propaganda.”

Facebook is duly praised for its crackdown on wrongthink, with the slightest of nods granted to the notion that the suppression won’t be neutrally applied:

Facebook, working in conjunction with fact-checking organizations, has started pinning a “disputed” tag on fake news. These kinds of efforts need to be monitored carefully (taking into account the limits and potential biases of fact-checking enterprises themselves) and, if effective, replicated and built on.

The forum paper also urges “[c]onvening multilateral discussions on long-term challenges like global climate change.”

They call this conservatism?

Read the Call to Action report. Wade through the Bush speech. Check out that list of forum participants again. These people hate America First citizens to the marrow of their being. And Nikki Haley was there to join them.

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