Impeachment boom: Poll finds Trump’s approval ratings highest ever

Impeachment boom: Poll finds Trump’s approval ratings highest ever

by WorldTribune Staff, January 29, 2020 The more Democrats and their media allies try to remove the duly elected president, the more popular he gets. “President Trump gets up every day with the mission of putting America First in all of his decisions. The Democrats begin every day brainstorming about how to bring him down. […]

Coronavirus crisis threatens Xi Jinping regime

Coronavirus crisis threatens Xi Jinping regime

FPI / January 29, 2020 By Richard Fisher “What the hell had the Wuhan mayor and the Party committee secretary doing?” This was the anguished plea of a citizen of the city of Wuhan, who had to circumvent considerable Chinese control over the Internet to post this plea condemning his government’s and the Chinese […]

Biden could tap Michelle Obama to be his veep, Barack for Supreme Court

Biden could tap Michelle Obama to be his veep, Barack for Supreme Court

by WorldTribune Staff, January 29, 2020 Joe Biden on Tuesday hinted that both his former boss and the wife of his former boss could play leading roles in a Biden administration. During a town hall in Muscatine, Iowa, a man in the audience asked the 77-year-old Democratic candidate: “Would you consider appointing Obama for the […]

What single-party (Democrat) rule has meant for New Mexico

What single-party (Democrat) rule has meant for New Mexico

by WorldTribune Staff, January 29, 2020 Since 1931, no other state has had single-party Democrat rule at the state level as long as New Mexico, a columnist noted. Since 1931, Democrats have held a majority in both houses of New Mexico’s legislature for 79 of the 89 years. Since 1931, Democrats have held the governor’s […]

Detailed ‘Deal of Century’ offers incentives to Palestinians who call for ‘day of rage’

Detailed ‘Deal of Century’ offers incentives to Palestinians who call for ‘day of rage’

by WorldTribune Staff, January 28, 2020 U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled his long-awaited Middle East peace plan on Tuesday which called for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state with a capital in eastern Jerusalem. The so-called “Deal of the Century”, billed as the most-detailed such Mideast peace plan ever, would eventually double the Palestinians’ […]

Latest impeachment drama: ‘Bombshell’ or book promo over foreign policy disagreement?

Latest impeachment drama: ‘Bombshell’ or book promo over foreign policy disagreement?

by WorldTribune Staff, January 28, 2020 In what some say was essentially a promotional press release for John Bolton’s book, The New York Times reported on Sunday that the former national security adviser will claim that President Donald Trump tied aid to Ukraine to an alleged promise by the country’s leaders to investigate the Bidens. […]

Obese ISIS leader confesses to ‘fatwas’ that led to ‘rape and pillage’ terror wave

Obese ISIS leader confesses to ‘fatwas’ that led to ‘rape and pillage’ terror wave

by WorldTribune Staff, January 28, 2020 A captured Islamic State (ISIS) mufti has confessed to issuing a series of rape-and-pillage “fatwas” that gave the group’s jihadists license to carry out gruesome atrocities while the terrorists controlled Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, from 2014 to 2017. Iraqi security forces released photos of ISIS honcho Shifa al-Nima on […]

‘Retire Nancy’: GOP vows to ‘compete for every seat, in every district’

‘Retire Nancy’: GOP vows to ‘compete for every seat, in every district’

by WorldTribune Staff, January 28, 2020 House Republicans and President Donald Trump believe the 18-seat net gain needed for the GOP to re-take control of the House from Democrats is within reach this November, especially after House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s record-setting fundraising effort in 2019. “We need to win back the House to retire […]

Victim of Left’s online morality police explains ‘cancel culture’

Victim of Left’s online morality police explains ‘cancel culture’

FPI / January 28, 2020 A conservative commentator found herself a target of “cancel culture” after she dared criticize anti-Semitic comments made by Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, two members of the Democratic Party’s so-called “Squad.” “Cancel culture” is the new tool of the Left which aims to discredit people they disagree with and […]

Levin on reporter who incurred Pompeo’s wrath: Why does NPR still exist?

Levin on reporter who incurred Pompeo’s wrath: Why does NPR still exist?

by WorldTribune Staff, January 27, 2020 After Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called out a National Public Radio (NPR) media personality for lying and breaking journalistic ethics by reporting on off-the-record comments, the corporate media came to her defense. But Radio and TV host Mark Levin questioned the ongoing need for the taxpayer-funded media outlet […]