Corporate media cover up: Turns out there was a government interfering in the election — ours

Corporate media cover up: Turns out there was a government interfering in the election — ours

Special to Excerpts from the Rush Limbaugh show, April 4. RUSH: It is fascinating to watch an entire industry disintegrate before our very eyes. So much of what we call the news business is literally eating itself alive and I guess they’re willing to do it. I have never in my life seen such […]

Report: Susan Rice ordered detailed intelligence spreadsheets on Trump associates

Report: Susan Rice ordered detailed intelligence spreadsheets on Trump associates

by WorldTribune Staff, April 4, 2017 Susan Rice, national security adviser under former President Barack Obama, requested intelligence agencies to provide her detailed lists of phone calls involving Donald Trump and his associates during the 2016 presidential campaign, a former U.S. attorney said. “What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. […]

Democrats from birth? Party seeks to erase registration barriers

Democrats from birth? Party seeks to erase registration barriers

by WorldTribune Staff, April 4, 2017 Democrats like to say that the more voters there are, the better their chances are. So, why not register Americans to vote at birth? It’s a novel idea from a local Democratic leader in Washington state, and a Democratic Party shell-shocked at losing elections is said by insiders to […]

Meadows stood up to ‘master negotiator’ Trump, but sees compromise by Easter

Meadows stood up to ‘master negotiator’ Trump, but sees compromise by Easter

Special to By Pete Zamplas, Asheville Tribune Freedom Caucus Chairman U.S. Rep. Mark Meadows sees the health care stalemate unlocked by Easter, easing off from a demand for a full Obamacare repeal that made national waves after he stood toe to toe with President Donald Trump. But the congressman still firmly seeks to undo […]

Mark Levin blasts Mitch McConnell’s silent role in Obamacare debacle

Mark Levin blasts Mitch McConnell’s silent role in Obamacare debacle

by WorldTribune Staff, March 30, 2017 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doesn’t really “believe in liberty” because liberty “is a lot of work” and he doesn’t want to “do the heavy lifting,” radio host Mark Levin said of the Kentucky senator’s silence on the debate to repeal and replace Obamacare. While remaining quiet during the […]

Memo to the president: The swamp is not your friend

Memo to the president: The swamp is not your friend

Special to Jeffrey T. Kuhner The failure of Ryancare is a watershed in Donald Trump’s presidency. Trump is now at a crossroads: Continue down the dead-end road with the establishment GOP or ditch House Speaker Paul Ryan. If early signs are an indication, the president has learned the wrong lessons from Ryan’s decision on […]

‘Dangerous talk’: Democrats cautioned for calling Russian cyber intrusions an ‘act of war’

‘Dangerous talk’: Democrats cautioned for calling Russian cyber intrusions an ‘act of war’

by WorldTribune Staff, March 27, 2017 Democrats, who just over four years ago mocked GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s warning on Russia, are now pushing the narrative that Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 election was an “act of war.” “I think this attack that we’ve experienced is a form of war, a form of war […]

Why FBI Director Comey must resign immediately

Why FBI Director Comey must resign immediately

Special to Jeffrey T. Kuhner FBI Director James Comey is seeking to sabotage Donald Trump’s presidency. His testimony in front of the House Intelligence Committee had nothing to do with finding the truth about Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. It was a political hit job — an attempt by the deep state to preserve […]

‘Bad boys of Brexit’ join effort to split California in two: Coastal elites vs the people

‘Bad boys of Brexit’ join effort to split California in two: Coastal elites vs the people

by WorldTribune Staff, March 27, 2017 Having spearheaded the campaign that led Britain to dump the European Union, the “Bad Boys of Brexit” are now pushing “Calexit” – a campaign to split California into two states. Former UKip leader Nigel Farage and Leave backer Arron Banks recently helped raise $1 million for Calexit, which would […]

When it was ‘our moment in time,’ where were all the members who voted 50 times to repeal Obamacare?

When it was ‘our moment in time,’ where were all the members who voted 50 times to repeal Obamacare?

Special to By Congressman Dave Brat (R, VA-7), Fairfax Free Citizen The GOP’s Obamacare replacement bill was pulled by Speaker Ryan before it came up for a vote on Friday. No doubt, this is a disappointing setback in our goal to repeal collapsing health care law. By now you have heard the radio pundits […]