U.S. goes to the mat at UN against Chinese disinformation

U.S. goes to the mat at UN against Chinese disinformation

by WorldTribune Staff, March 27, 2020 The United States is insisting that any United Nations joint declaration on the coronavirus crisis should state explicitly that the virus originated in Wuhan, China. Any UN declaration should also state exactly when the virus started in Wuhan, the U.S. delegation said. The U.S., in various drafts and edits […]

North Macedonia joins the NATO alliance

North Macedonia joins the NATO alliance

by WorldTribune Staff, March 27, 2020 North Macedonia officially became the 30th member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on March 27. “As NATO welcomes its 30th member, we reaffirm our commitment to collective defense under Article 5, the cornerstone of the Transatlantic Alliance,” U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in announcing North […]

Wuhan coronavirus provides China global ‘exercise’ in bio weapons defense

Wuhan coronavirus provides China global ‘exercise’ in bio weapons defense

FPI / March 26, 2020 Geostrategy-Direct.com By Richard Fisher There has been ample speculation about the Wuhan coronavirus that may have been first detected near the Chinese city of Wuhan in November 2019 but which has now become a global pandemic claiming over 14,000 lives. It could have emerged from a high technology bioresearch laboratory […]

President Trump wants country to reopen by Easter; Stay home, says Obama

President Trump wants country to reopen by Easter; Stay home, says Obama

by WorldTribune Staff, March 26, 2020 At his daily coronavirus task force briefing Wednesday night, President Donald Trump doubled-down on his timeline for reopening the country. Trump said his vision is to return life to normal by Easter, April 12. “I think there are certain people that would like it not to open so quickly,” […]

Who is WHO, really, and is it controlled by communist China?

Who is WHO, really, and is it controlled by communist China?

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, March 26, 2020 From the very start of the coronavirus crisis, the World Health Organization (WHO) has circulated Chinese propaganda about the outbreak. That is not surprising given who the world health body’s current director-general is, reports say. China essentially put Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in charge of the WHO and now […]

Propaganda war: Pro-China Twitter accounts shifted focus from Hong Kong to virus

Propaganda war: Pro-China Twitter accounts shifted focus from Hong Kong to virus

by WorldTribune Staff, March 26, 2020 The Chinese government is engaged in a coordinated influence campaign which uses some 10,000 suspected fake Twitter accounts to spread propaganda and disinformation about the Wuhan coronavirus, a report said. ProPublica reported on March 26 that it has been tracking the fake accounts since August 2019. At first, the […]

Open borders coalition demands all illegals be freed from feds’ custody over coronavirus

Open borders coalition demands all illegals be freed from feds’ custody over coronavirus

FPI / March 26, 2020 By Judicial Watch Although there have been no confirmed cases of coronavirus in federal immigration detention facilities, open borders groups are taking advantage of the health crisis to demand that all illegal immigrants be immediately released from custody and into communities throughout the United States. The movement, known as FreeThemAll, […]

After urging New Yorkers to live large, De Blasio now wants Trump to call in military

After urging New Yorkers to live large, De Blasio now wants Trump to call in military

by WorldTribune Staff, March 26, 2020 On March 22, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told NBC News that he asked President Donald Trump to mobilize the military to fight the coronavirus outbreak in the city. He suggested that if Trump doesn’t act immediately, then “people will die who could have lived otherwise.” On […]

Perspective: Losing our collective minds over the coronavirus?

Perspective: Losing our collective minds over the coronavirus?

by WorldTribune Staff, March 25, 2020 “Panic mixed with shameless pandering is a recipe for a bigger crisis than the coronavirus itself,” Conservative Review senior editor Daniel Horowitz wrote. “Politicians and the media are telling the public to be prudent and not to panic, but everything they are saying and implementing is sowing panic, and […]

Unreported: Fauci would prescribe Chloroquine to coronavirus patients

Unreported: Fauci would prescribe Chloroquine to coronavirus patients

by WorldTribune Staff, March 25, 2020 Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he would prescribe Chloroquine to coronavirus patients. In an interview on AM 990 in Philadelphia on Tuesday, Fauci spoke with Townhall columnist and morning host Chris Stigall about the hope in the hydroxychloroquine drug that […]