Fact checking Joe: Biden continues to push coronavirus misinformation

Fact checking Joe: Biden continues to push coronavirus misinformation

by WorldTribune Staff, March 25, 2020 Joe Biden has repeatedly spread misinformation about President Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus, a report said. The Daily Caller noted five different occasions where the like 2020 Democratic Party presidential nominee and his campaign have pushed false narratives about Trump’s response to the outbreak. Biden falsely said Trump […]

Media reports on South Korea’s virus response said to mask real story

Media reports on South Korea’s virus response said to mask real story

by WorldTribune Staff, March 25, 2020 In January, South Korea reportedly sent millions of masks to China amid the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. Shortly after the Chinese government quarantined the entire city of Wuhan on Jan. 23, South Korea quickly provided China over 6 million masks, in addition to at least 42,000 protective suits, other supplies, […]

Hong Kong bishop: The Catholic church in China is being ‘murdered’

Hong Kong bishop: The Catholic church in China is being ‘murdered’

by WorldTribune Staff, March 25, 2020 In an appeal he sent to the world’s 223 cardinals, Cardinal Joseph Zen, the retired Bishop of Hong Kong, warned that the Catholic Church in China is being “murdered” by the communist regime while the Vatican stands idly by. “A totalitarian regime doesn’t compromise,” Zen said. “They want complete […]

Life, livelihoods and liberty: The Coronavirus lockdown limbo

Life, livelihoods and liberty: The Coronavirus lockdown limbo

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler NEW YORK — It’s almost become a sad cliche to say that America is shutting down over the Coronavirus pandemic.  Uncertainty and fear stalk the land, but the enemy remains invisible. The growing global effects of COVID-19 from China to Western Europe, and now North America, ominously looms […]

U.S. forces in Norfolk: Strange war with invisible enemy

U.S. forces in Norfolk: Strange war with invisible enemy

Special to WorldTribune.com By Donald Kirk NORFOLK, Virginia — America’s mightiest warships, including the carrier John C. Stennis, line up grey and forbidding here at the world’s largest naval base at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. A few gate-keepers, security people, stand guard on the piers, but otherwise almost no one is visible. It’s […]

Olympics will be postponed for one year, Japan’s Abe says

Olympics will be postponed for one year, Japan’s Abe says

by WorldTribune Staff, March 25, 2020 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Thomas Bach on Tuesday announced that the 2020 Summer Olympic Games will be postponed for about one year due to the coronavirus crisis. The opening ceremony had been planned for July 24 in Tokyo. “[T]he IOC president and […]

Reports: Stockpile of N95 masks depleted, never restocked on Obama’s watch

Reports: Stockpile of N95 masks depleted, never restocked on Obama’s watch

by WorldTribune Staff, March 24, 2020 There is a shortage in the Strategic National Stockpile of one of the most needed supplies amid the coronavirus outbreak — N95 respirator masks — in large part because the Obama administration failed to replenish the supply following the H1N1 outbreak in 2009, reports say. Current Health and Human Services […]

Trump vows to block Dems’ demands which ‘have nothing to do’ with coronavirus stimulus bill

Trump vows to block Dems’ demands which ‘have nothing to do’ with coronavirus stimulus bill

by WorldTribune Staff, March 24, 2020 Democrats’ attempts to slip parts of the Green New Deal and other unrelated projects into the coronavirus stimulus bill “will never be approved by me,” President Donald Trump said on Tuesday. After several days of negotiating, Republican and Democratic senators were close to approving a $2 trillion package that […]

China’s massive propaganda war taking full advantage of U.S. media complicity

China’s massive propaganda war taking full advantage of U.S. media complicity

by WorldTribune Staff, March 24, 2020 In its massive propaganda campaign aimed at deflecting responsibility for the coronavirus outbreak, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is finding a compliant ally in the U.S. corporate media, analysts say. “China’s state-run propaganda outlets are using coronavirus coverage by U.S. media and Democratic politicians to push the regime narrative […]

In northern Japan, life gradually returns to normal

In northern Japan, life gradually returns to normal

by WorldTribune Staff, March 24, 2020 Health officials in Japan said the country has done “quite well” in getting the coronavirus outbreak under control. The state of emergency has been lifted on Hokkaido, the northernmost prefecture that was hit hardest by the outbreak. A panel guiding Japan’s coronavirus response recommended late on Thursday that schools […]