Morality and foreign policy: Once again, the U.S. is asked, ‘for God’s sake, do something!’

Morality and foreign policy: Once again, the U.S. is asked, ‘for God’s sake, do something!’

Sol W. Sanders [See Archive A perennial American foreign policy debate sets “realism” against “idealism”, national interest versus morality. The dichotomy is often overstated. The two currents divide and merge incessantly in the flow of implementation of any concrete overseas policy and tactics. American statesmen have argued — contemporary politicians still do as did The […]

Revisiting the ‘Revolution’ of 1917 to put the Putin of today in context

Revisiting the ‘Revolution’ of 1917 to put the Putin of today in context

Lev Navrozov What’s this? Don’t I know what is going on in Russia? The entire world is watching! And here I am recalling oh, God, those horrible events of 1917! The trouble is that as a result of chasing after what is happening this month, this day, this hour, this minute in a certain country […]

Obama’s October surprise

Obama’s October surprise

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Is President Obama planning to launch military strikes against Iran in order to ensure re-election? Is there an October surprise being hatched by the White House? All the signals are: yes. Recently, Mr. Obama told an audience at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) annual policy conference in Washington, D.C. that […]

Kim Jong-Un speeding up generation shift, may have sidelined powerful stepmother

Kim Jong-Un speeding up generation shift, may have sidelined powerful stepmother

Special to By”>Lee Jong-Heon, North Korea’s newly-installed ruler Kim Jong-Un has been accelerating efforts to form his own independent power base, placing individuals loyal to him in key positions of authority after purging a number of potential rivals, sources in Seoul said. “A series of reshuffles are undergoing in the Party, the […]

‘United States of Islam’: The logic behind the emerging Arabic Caliphate

‘United States of Islam’: The logic behind the emerging Arabic Caliphate

Special to By Alexander Maistrovoy, The Arabic Caliphate is not a figment of the imagination anymore: fragments of the Middle Eastern regimes will soon form a group of islands called The Muslim Archipelago. “A specter is haunting Europe — the specter of Communism.” These were the first words of Karl Marx’s “The Communist […]

Liquidate the World Bank!

Liquidate the World Bank!

Sol W. Sanders [See Archive] An old adage holds bureaucracies may successfully pursue their original goals for only a generation. After that their efforts go to feathering their bureaucratic nest. Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae are examples: outrageous executive compensation and payoffs to Congressional friends, all contributing to a housing bust, now requiring more billions […]

Next president can cope with Putin redux and China’s sinister rise … if his name is not Obama

Next president can cope with Putin redux and China’s sinister rise … if his name is not Obama

Lev Navrozov “China Builds the Bomb” is the title of a 327-page book written by two American nuclear scientists and published in 1988. I bought this book as soon as it hit the bookstores. Indeed, the book invited the readers to pay special attention to Chapter “China’s Nuclear Weapons Tests, 1964-1978” (pp. 244-245). Quite a […]

The ‘monumental hypocrisy’ of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange, a paid agent of Moscow

The ‘monumental hypocrisy’ of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange, a paid agent of Moscow

Special to Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media Gary Pruitt, President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of The McClatchy Company, insists the U.S. newspaper publisher “must maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct.” But how does this comport with being a “partner” of WikiLeaks, the controversial […]

Bradley Manning’s extensive support network includes friends in very high places

Bradley Manning’s extensive support network includes friends in very high places

Special to By Cliff Kincaid Before getting into the court-martial at Fort Meade in Maryland, my photo I.D. was checked and a bomb-sniffing dog was led around my car. My coat, wallet, and papers were searched and I was subjected to magnetometer screening by Army authorities. Inside the courtroom, members of the media were […]

FAITH MATTERS: Keep up the talk about Satan, ‘Father of Lies’

FAITH MATTERS: Keep up the talk about Satan, ‘Father of Lies’

Special to By Uwe Siemon-Netto, On the eve of the Republican primaries in Michigan and Arizona I would like to direct an urgent appeal to Sen. Rick Santorum: “Please keep talking about Satan; somebody’s got to do it!” This is not meant facetiously. Even though I am neither a U.S. citizen nor a […]