The genius of Rush Limbaugh: Redefined outmoded radio, defied convention

The genius of Rush Limbaugh: Redefined outmoded radio, defied convention

by WorldTribune Staff, February 14, 2020 Radio host Rush Limbaugh’s “army of one” inspired millions of Americans who’d long been ignored, and he changed the political landscape, historian and columnist Victor Davis Hanson noted. “Genius is often defined in myriad ways. One trusted criterion is the ability to do something extraordinary in a field where […]

Words matter: The Rush Limbaugh-Orson Bean-Andrew Breitbart connection

Words matter: The Rush Limbaugh-Orson Bean-Andrew Breitbart connection

by WorldTribune Staff, February 12, 2020 Returning to his broadcast on Tuesday after receiving treatment for lung cancer, radio host Rush Limbaugh discussed the legacy of the late actor Orson Bean and his son-in-law, the late Andrew Breitbart. Limbaugh said: “I want to talk about the Oscars for just a second, not the awards themselves. […]

Orson Bean: God and the old, pro-U.S. Hollywood ‘saved my life’

Orson Bean: God and the old, pro-U.S. Hollywood ‘saved my life’

by WorldTribune Staff, February 9, 2020 Actor-comedian Orson Bean died Friday in a traffic accident. He was 91-years-old. Bean was the father of Susie Breitbart, the wife of the late Andrew Breitbart. “The actor took it upon himself to become an intellectual mentor to his son-in-law, as well as a kindred spirit. Bean introduced Andrew […]

Rush Limbaugh stuns nation with announcement of diagnosis

Rush Limbaugh stuns nation with announcement of diagnosis

by WorldTribune Staff, February 4, 2020 Radio host Rush Limbaugh on Monday revealed he is undergoing treatment for advanced lung cancer. Limbaugh, 69, told his audience he would miss the next two days of his nationally syndicated program. “This day has been one of the most difficult days in recent memory, for me, because I’ve […]

Reports: Canada minister walks back comments on government licensing of media

Reports: Canada minister walks back comments on government licensing of media

by WorldTribune Staff, February 4, 2020 Canada’s heritage minister is now walking back comments he made on Sunday which indicated the leftist Trudeau administration would require all news websites in Canada to obtain a government license, reports say. Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault told CTV on Sunday that “audio, audiovisual, and alphanumeric news content” to Canadians […]

Pelosi’s impeachment disaster: Columnist explains media’s role

Pelosi’s impeachment disaster: Columnist explains media’s role

by WorldTribune Staff, February 3, 2020 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had long warned against a partisan impeachment process. The Democratic Party’s seismic shift to the left, in which socialists play a prominent role, helped convince Pelosi to change her tune. So did the corporate media, The Federalist columnist Mollie Hemingway noted. “The media always owned […]

Fox allows Super Bowl ads for drag queens but not abortion survivors

Fox allows Super Bowl ads for drag queens but not abortion survivors

by WorldTribune Staff, February 2, 2020 As host of Super Bowl LIV between the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers, the Fox network green lighted ads featuring drag queens and rabid Second Amendment opponent Michael Bloomberg. But there was no room for a pro-life commercial during this year’s big game, a report said. Lyric […]

Levin on reporter who incurred Pompeo’s wrath: Why does NPR still exist?

Levin on reporter who incurred Pompeo’s wrath: Why does NPR still exist?

by WorldTribune Staff, January 27, 2020 After Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called out a National Public Radio (NPR) media personality for lying and breaking journalistic ethics by reporting on off-the-record comments, the corporate media came to her defense. But Radio and TV host Mark Levin questioned the ongoing need for the taxpayer-funded media outlet […]

Russia-born scholar sues major media, Stefan Halper after hoax wrecked life

Russia-born scholar sues major media, Stefan Halper after hoax wrecked life

by WorldTribune Staff, January 21, 2020 A Russian-born British scholar who was caught up in the Trump-Russia hoax is suing FBI informant Stefan Halper and several media outlets who she said spread malicious lies about her. Svetlana Lokhova told investigative journalist Sara Carter that she was used as a target of opportunity by the FBI […]

‘Liberal hack’: Sen. McSally unnerves CNN personality

‘Liberal hack’: Sen. McSally unnerves CNN personality

by WorldTribune Staff, January 17, 2020 The corporate media has been in lock step with Democrats on impeachment. When a CNN personality on Thursday parroted a Democrat talking point at GOP Sen. Martha McSally, the Arizona senator’s response was classic. Reading straight from the Democrat/media team’s playbook, CNN’s Manu Raju asked McSally if she would […]

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