Report: Biden releases $3 billion in frozen Iranian funds

Report: Biden releases $3 billion in frozen Iranian funds

by WorldTribune Staff, March 8, 2021 Cozying up to the world’s top state sponsor of terrorism is nothing new for Joe Biden. In 2016, when Biden was vice president, the Obama administration sent Iran a pallet with millions, if not billions, in unmarked bills in the dead of night in exchange for U.S. prisoners. Iranian […]

Rep. Al Green’s insurrection ‘stunt’ taken seriously by corporate media

Rep. Al Green’s insurrection ‘stunt’ taken seriously by corporate media

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, March 8, 2021 Texas Democrat Rep. Al Green sat on the steps of the U.S. Capitol on March 4 in an act of defiance and bravery against an impending insurrection. Just ask him, he’ll tell you that’s what happened. So will the sheep in the corporate media. Take a closer look […]

‘Crisis’: Video shows stream of migrants walking into Arizona from Mexico

‘Crisis’: Video shows stream of migrants walking into Arizona from Mexico

by WorldTribune Staff, March 8, 2021 A video shot at the southern border near Yuma, Arizona shows a stream of migrants walking into the United States from Mexico as border patrol sources warn of a looming crisis with nationwide ramifications. Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, who tweeted the video, said the migrants were taking advantage […]

After Jan. 6, pistol-packing Rep. Boebert finds new colleagues suddenly more receptive

After Jan. 6, pistol-packing Rep. Boebert finds new colleagues suddenly more receptive

by WorldTribune Staff, March 8, 2021 Because of rules imposed by Democrats who control the House of Representatives, Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert said she did not have her Glock on Jan. 6 when she was in the U.S. Capitol as it was breached. “I was disarmed, and I wasn’t able to defend myself,” Boebert […]

Pope holds historic meeting with Khamenei’s Shi’ite rival, Ayatollah Sistani

Pope holds historic meeting with Khamenei’s Shi’ite rival, Ayatollah Sistani

by WorldTribune Staff, March 8, 2021 Pope Francis on Saturday met with Iraq’s top Shi’ite cleric to plead for peaceful coexistence between Muslims and Christians of Iraq. During a four-day visit to Iraq, Francis traveled to the Shia holy city of Najaf to meet with Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. It was the first ever such […]

Portrait of a ‘domestic terrorist’, according to the 21st century FBI

Portrait of a ‘domestic terrorist’, according to the 21st century FBI

by WorldTribune Staff, March 7, 2021 Georgia resident Bruno Joseph Cua, 18, is the youngest of the nearly 300 people the Department of Justice has arrested as part of its investigation into the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. He was arrested on Feb. 5 by FBI agents in Atlanta. A grand jury […]

Texas governor deploys National Guard; Will not be ‘accomplice’ to ‘open border policies’

Texas governor deploys National Guard; Will not be ‘accomplice’ to ‘open border policies’

by WorldTribune Staff, March 7, 2021 Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said he has deployed the National Guard in response to the crisis at the southern border which he said gets worse by the day due to Joe Biden’s “open border policies.” Abbott on Saturday said he launched Operation Lone Star “to combat the smuggling of […]

Walgreens stocks up on unconscious bias training for its retail war against racism

Walgreens stocks up on unconscious bias training for its retail war against racism

Special to, March 7, 2021 Corporate WATCH Commentary by Joe Schaeffer As major brand-name corporations seek to outdo each other in pursuing the Shining Path of Wokeness these days, working conditions are becoming truly Maoist. A leading acolyte of the “movement” (their word) is Walgreens, the pharmacy chain that has some 9,000 outlets throughout […]

Report: Bill Gates tied to Chinese firm ‘mining’ Americans’ DNA data through covid tests

Report: Bill Gates tied to Chinese firm ‘mining’ Americans’ DNA data through covid tests

by WorldTribune Staff, March 7, 2021 [Note: Google’s algorithms are objecting to some WorldTribune articles, including this one, for unexplained reasons. Specific comments from credible human sources about the following content should be directed to the editors’ attention. WorldTribune upholds the First Amendment Freedom of the Press for diverse and responsibly edited presentations of news, […]

Cheney challenged: State lawmaker to represent Wyoming, not ‘D.C. elitists’

Cheney challenged: State lawmaker to represent Wyoming, not ‘D.C. elitists’

by WorldTribune Staff, March 7, 2021 Wyoming state Rep. Chuck Gray announced he will challenge Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney in the 2022 GOP primary. Cheney, the No. 3 Republican in the House, chose Swamp values over Wyoming values on Jan. 13 when she was one of ten Republicans who voted to impeach former President […]