Biden border policies cost U.S. cities $202 billion in one year; NYC’s Dem mayor sounds alarm

Biden border policies cost U.S. cities $202 billion in one year; NYC’s Dem mayor sounds alarm

by WorldTribune Staff, February 6, 2023 U.S. cities will be billing American taxpayers to the tune of about $202 billion due to Joe Biden’s open border immigration policies, a report said. That price tag “increases by $159 million every day,” Andrew R. Arthur wrote for the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) on Feb. 3. New […]

Researcher: mRNA spike protein delivered to all organs results in hyperaccelerated aging

Researcher: mRNA spike protein delivered to all organs results in hyperaccelerated aging

by WorldTribune Staff, February 6, 2023 The spike protein in the mRNA Covid shots may be delivered to all organs and the result in many cases is a rapid acceleration of the aging process, a researcher contends. “We are seeing a 26-year-old die. But that 26-year-old has the organs of a 96-year-old. No surprise in […]

Ex-general: British military would run out of ammo in 1 day in conflict with Russia

Ex-general: British military would run out of ammo in 1 day in conflict with Russia

by WorldTribune Staff, February 6, 2023 If the British military were to get involved in a full-on conflict with Russia, it would run out of ammunition in about 24 hours, a former top British general said. Spending cuts have depleted Great Britain’s military to such an extent that ammunition and artillery shells would run out […]

Hunter’s attorneys tapped cozy legal Delaware connections

Hunter’s attorneys tapped cozy legal Delaware connections

by WorldTribune Staff, February 5, 2023 Hunter Biden’s legal team on Feb. 1 called for a criminal investigations into individuals who accessed and disseminated Hunter Biden’s personal data from the “laptop from hell,” which is said to document numerous violations of law. In calling for the probe, the legal team is tapping into the Biden […]

Chinese balloon recalls precedents for downing intruders in Soviet, Chinese air space

Chinese balloon recalls precedents for downing intruders in Soviet, Chinese air space

by WorldTribune Staff, February 5, 2023 On Saturday, an F-22 Raptor fighter jet out of the 1st Fighter Wing at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia fired one AIM-9X Sidewinder missile to take out the Chinese spy balloon which had sailed over U.S. territory for most of the week. The balloon fell approximately six miles […]

Pfizer exec feared jab’s adverse effects on fertility: ‘Scale of that scandal would be enormous’

Pfizer exec feared jab’s adverse effects on fertility: ‘Scale of that scandal would be enormous’

by WorldTribune Staff, February 5, 2023 In a new video released on Thursday, Pfizer executive Jordon Trishton Walker tells a Project Veritas undercover journalist of his concerns about the potential negative effects of the Covid jab on women’s reproductive health. Walker, who in an earlier video told Project Veritas about Pfizer’s plan to mutate the […]

‘Very sobering’: Perfect storm threatens global economy, with Asian exceptions

‘Very sobering’: Perfect storm threatens global economy, with Asian exceptions

Special to By John J. Metzler, February 5, 2023 The lingering aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the widening war in Ukraine and the knock-on effects of food and energy shortages, alongside high inflation battered the world economy in 2022. Reflecting these grim realities, the UN has issued its annual World Economic Situation and Prospects […]

Pentagon downed China balloon after it completed surveillance of U.S. strategic sites

Pentagon downed China balloon after it completed surveillance of U.S. strategic sites

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, February 3, 2023 Editor’s Note: The following report has been updated: The United States shot down the Chinese balloon off the South Carolina coast on Feb. 4, after it had left U.S. territory. The strategy of confronting China embraced by President Donald Trump vs. the capitulation to the communists of the […]