Jordan defers to Islamists, allows ‘March to Jerusalem’

Jordan defers to Islamists, allows ‘March to Jerusalem’

Special to AMMAN — Jordan, under strong pressure from the Islamist opposition and its foreign backers has allowed a scheduled march by up to one million Muslims to Israel. Officials said the Hashemite kingdom has relayed formal approval for the so-called “Global March to Jerusalem” on March 30.  The procession, organized by Hamas and […]

N. Korean response to Obama appeal at summit on blocking rocket launch: ‘No’

N. Korean response to Obama appeal at summit on blocking rocket launch: ‘No’

Special to By Donald Kirk, SEOUL — President Barack Obama’s oratorical flights against North Korea’s plan to fire a long-range rocket next month may have pleased his South Korean hosts, but evoked little more than polite responses from the Chinese and Russians who exercise the most influence in Pyongyang. The failure of Team […]

Tale of two massacres and the price of withdrawing from Afghanistan and Pakistan

Tale of two massacres and the price of withdrawing from Afghanistan and Pakistan

Sol W. Sanders [See Archive Two recent deeply intertwined violent events demonstrate the terrible burden hanging on the outcome of U.S. intervention in Afghanistan and Pakistan. An American soldier’s rampage allegedly taking the lives of 17 Afghan villagers paralleled the attack of a Franco-Mahgrebian youth resulting in seven deaths of French [Muslim] veterans and Jewish […]

Wet winter ends Israel’s 7 years of drought; half of water now supplied by desalination

Wet winter ends Israel’s 7 years of drought; half of water now supplied by desalination

Special to TEL AVIV — Israel’s water supply has been rescued by one of the rainiest winters in years. Officials said the winter of 2012 has eased the threat of a water crisis in Israel. They said after years of drought, the water levels in acquifers and the Sea of Galilee rose significantly and […]

A Hugo Chavez moment, north of the border

A Hugo Chavez moment, north of the border

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama has given himself the powers to declare martial law — especially in the event of a war with Iran. It is a sweeping power grab that should worry every American. On March 16, the White House released an executive order, “National Defense Resources Preparedness.” The document is stunning in its […]

Consequences of transferring the world’s best technology to a slave state

Consequences of transferring the world’s best technology to a slave state

Lev Navrozov Marx and Lenin, and later Soviet propaganda, asserted that crimes and criminals exist due to poverty in the “capitalist world.” In their “socialist-communist world,” there will be no poverty and hence no desire for wealth. After the “socialists-communists” had seized power in Russia, Lenin became the head of the government. Why? Allegedly, because […]

Terror in France and the chilling prospect of sleeper cells also in the USA

Terror in France and the chilling prospect of sleeper cells also in the USA

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — A spate of seven seemingly unexplained serial killings has shocked France with the uncomfortable realization that the specter of terrorism has not vanished. But the shootings of three soldiers and later, the calculated cold- blooded rampage at a Jewish school killing a rabbi and three children, turned the tragedy […]

Israeli student team launches nano-satellite project

Israeli student team launches nano-satellite project

Special to TEL AVIV — An Israeli university has overseen a program meant to form a constellation of nano-satellites. The Israel Technical Institute, known as the Technion, has hosted a nano-satellite project called CAESAR. Organizers said the program, administered by the state-owned Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, called for a constellation of 48 Cubesats. “The […]

‘Precious’ satellites, long-range missiles and food aid all in time for Kim Il-Sung’s 100th birthday extravaganza

‘Precious’ satellites, long-range missiles and food aid all in time for Kim Il-Sung’s 100th birthday extravaganza

Special to By Donald Kirk, SEOUL — North Korea’s claim of a serious scientific reason for planning to fire off a long-range missile next month with a satellite for a payload is couched in such sincere-sounding lingo that one has to wonder if the North’s scientists and engineers actually may have something in […]

What good are technological advances if common sense is going the way of dinosaurs?

What good are technological advances if common sense is going the way of dinosaurs?

Sol W. Sanders [See Archive Imagine a graph representing world problems: There are two mounting growth lines. One represents “technology”, defined as “the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.” The other charts “common sense”, defined as “sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts.” At the upper corner […]