Not so jolly England: Politics turns nasty on both sides of the pond

Not so jolly England: Politics turns nasty on both sides of the pond

Special to By Sol W. Sanders No matter the outcome of the British referendum June 23 on leaving the European Union, the argument over the U.K.’s role in Europe and the world is up for grabs. It promises a troubled British political scene for some time to come. The argument over whether to leave […]

Only one strategy can answer the spreading blood lust of Islamic terrorism

Only one strategy can answer the spreading blood lust of Islamic terrorism

Special to By Sol W. Sanders While the authorities continue to sort out the career of Omar Mateen, the killer who perpetrated the greatest mass killing in American history, U.S. strategy remains confused. There never has been a question of the enormous potential for Daesh [ISIS or ISIL] to inflict suffering on Americans and […]

Ukraine’s faultline: Baltics looks for support to U.S. where campaigns are ignoring foreign policy

Ukraine’s faultline: Baltics looks for support to U.S. where campaigns are ignoring foreign policy

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — The artillery rumbles like a rolling late spring storm. Small arms fire reaches a staccato, only to fall silent just as quickly. And hapless civilians on both sides of an arbitrary divide endure and suffer as the forgotten slow burner conflict in eastern Ukraine continues […]

Surreal world: Ever notice how celebrity visitors to N. Korea have nothing to say about horrors there?

Surreal world: Ever notice how celebrity visitors to N. Korea have nothing to say about horrors there?

Special to By Donald Kirk, North Korea, that is the people who run the place, likes nothing better than endorsements from foreign visitors. The list of foreigners paying obeisance to the Kim regime, Kim Jong-Un and his father and grandfather before him, is quite long. The operator of a website in Los Angeles […]

The rest of the story: Why Trump is right about Judge Gonzalo Curiel

The rest of the story: Why Trump is right about Judge Gonzalo Curiel

Special to Jeffrey T. Kuhner The establishment is now looking to finish off Donald Trump. The presumptive Republican nominee is under intense criticism for his comments about the federal judge presiding over the Trump University class-action lawsuit. Our political and media elites are trying to turn this into Trump’s version of Mitt Romney’s infamous […]

Report on Syria: ‘Labyrinth of Hell which has no apparent exit’

Report on Syria: ‘Labyrinth of Hell which has no apparent exit’

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Words cannot begin to describe the devastation and suffering which has befallen Syria, now in its fifth year of civil war. Upon his return from the ravaged country, the UN’s Humanitarian chief, Stephen O’Brien, solemnly told the UN Security Council, “I have run out of […]

Clinton’s San Diego speech ignores this: She is an oligarch and a crook whose foreign policy opened the gates of hell

Clinton’s San Diego speech ignores this: She is an oligarch and a crook whose foreign policy opened the gates of hell

Special to Jeffrey T. Kuhner Hillary Clinton claims Donald Trump is “temperamentally unfit” to be America’s commander-in-chief. “This is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes,” she said in a major foreign policy speech in San Diego, arguing that the Republican presumptive nominee could start a war simply because somebody “got under […]

North Korea ‘experts’ agree on the certainty of uncertain outcomes

North Korea ‘experts’ agree on the certainty of uncertain outcomes

Special to By Donald Kirk, JEJU ― Ask an expert analyst how to deal with North Korea, and the responses range from getting tough to massaging gently. Nobody has the real answer ― though some people like to talk with absolute certainty ― and there’s no proof that anything’s going to work. The […]

Gov. Globe: Republican governor joins the transgender revolution and here’s why

Special to Jeffrey T. Kuhner Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker is joining the transgender revolution. The liberal Republican has said he will sign the “transgender rights” bill pushed by leftist Democrats in the state Legislature. The legislation represents a triumph for LGBT activists. It calls for individuals — based upon their “gender identity” or the […]

Art of the deal: How about a summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un at the Korean DMZ?

Art of the deal: How about a summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un at the Korean DMZ?

Special to By Donald Kirk, Donald Trump may be running neck and neck with Hillary Clinton in the U.S. presidential sweepstakes if the polls are at all credible, but there’s one constituency in which he appears to be well ahead. That’s within the ruling circles in Pyongyang. He’s winning popularity there for two […]