What good are technological advances if common sense is going the way of dinosaurs?

What good are technological advances if common sense is going the way of dinosaurs?

Sol W. Sanders [See Archive Imagine a graph representing world problems: There are two mounting growth lines. One represents “technology”, defined as “the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.” The other charts “common sense”, defined as “sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts.” At the upper corner […]

Kasparov checkmated world’s top computers but could not best Putin’s political muscle

Kasparov checkmated world’s top computers but could not best Putin’s political muscle

Lev Navrozov Garry Kasparov is a Russian chess grandmaster, widely regarded as the greatest chess player of our time. In 1985, at age 22, Kasparov became the youngest-ever undisputed World Chess Champion. In 1989, Kasparov defeated the chess computer Deep Thought in both games of a two-game match. In 1996, he won the match against […]

Netanyahu’s gift to Obama jeopardized the 2800-year-old bond between two peoples

Netanyahu’s gift to Obama jeopardized the 2800-year-old bond between two peoples

Special to WorldTribune.com By Sheda Vasseghi, FreePressers.com During their most recent meeting, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave President Barack Obama a copy of the Book of Esther as a symbol of his fears for Israel if the Islamic Republic of Iran becomes nuclear. While this gesture effectively telegraphed to the American public the message […]

Morality and foreign policy: Once again, the U.S. is asked, ‘for God’s sake, do something!’

Morality and foreign policy: Once again, the U.S. is asked, ‘for God’s sake, do something!’

Sol W. Sanders [See Archive A perennial American foreign policy debate sets “realism” against “idealism”, national interest versus morality. The dichotomy is often overstated. The two currents divide and merge incessantly in the flow of implementation of any concrete overseas policy and tactics. American statesmen have argued — contemporary politicians still do as did The […]

Revisiting the ‘Revolution’ of 1917 to put the Putin of today in context

Revisiting the ‘Revolution’ of 1917 to put the Putin of today in context

Lev Navrozov What’s this? Don’t I know what is going on in Russia? The entire world is watching! And here I am recalling oh, God, those horrible events of 1917! The trouble is that as a result of chasing after what is happening this month, this day, this hour, this minute in a certain country […]

Obama’s October surprise

Obama’s October surprise

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Is President Obama planning to launch military strikes against Iran in order to ensure re-election? Is there an October surprise being hatched by the White House? All the signals are: yes. Recently, Mr. Obama told an audience at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) annual policy conference in Washington, D.C. that […]

Liquidate the World Bank!

Liquidate the World Bank!

Sol W. Sanders [See Archive] An old adage holds bureaucracies may successfully pursue their original goals for only a generation. After that their efforts go to feathering their bureaucratic nest. Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae are examples: outrageous executive compensation and payoffs to Congressional friends, all contributing to a housing bust, now requiring more billions […]

Next president can cope with Putin redux and China’s sinister rise … if his name is not Obama

Next president can cope with Putin redux and China’s sinister rise … if his name is not Obama

Lev Navrozov “China Builds the Bomb” is the title of a 327-page book written by two American nuclear scientists and published in 1988. I bought this book as soon as it hit the bookstores. Indeed, the book invited the readers to pay special attention to Chapter “China’s Nuclear Weapons Tests, 1964-1978” (pp. 244-245). Quite a […]

Russian musician rocks Putin and his art world ‘boosters’ in online broadside

Russian musician rocks Putin and his art world ‘boosters’ in online broadside

Lev Navrozov In the aftermath of Russia’s nationwide Dec. 10, 2011 protests against violations and alleged fraud at the parliamentary elections, demanding an end to Putin’s 12-year domination of the country, Moscow’s intelligentsia is again making waves. On Feb. 7, the Russian high-brow Internet pay site “Snob,” owned and published by Mikhail Prokhorov, carried the […]

Obama’s overspending ensures Euro-debt will devastate U.S.

Obama’s overspending ensures Euro-debt will devastate U.S.

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama’s budget puts America on the path toward Greece. It is a reckless document, a stunning betrayal of U.S. economic interests. By its own numbers, Obamanomics leads to national bankruptcy. Unless there is a dramatic course correction, we will share the bleak fate of the Greeks: riots, chaos and internationally imposed […]