Document said to confirm U.S. collusion with Palestinians on UN vote

Document said to confirm U.S. collusion with Palestinians on UN vote

by WorldTribune Staff, December 28, 2016 American officials told a Palestinian delegation in a closed door meeting that the U.S. would not veto a UN Security Council resolution against Israeli settlements, according to a newly leaked document. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice told a Palestinian delegation […]

Poll raises questions about how tolerant liberals actually are

Poll raises questions about how tolerant liberals actually are

by WorldTribune Staff, December 27, 2016 Turns out liberals, quick to whip up a post and an angry emoticon when it comes to pointing out the alleged intolerance and bigotry of conservatives, are a long way from the altruism they espouse. According to a new poll by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), Democratic […]

Obama: Media to blame for Trump’s landslide win among rural voters

Obama: Media to blame for Trump’s landslide win among rural voters

by WorldTribune Staff, December 27, 2016 Rural voters went for Donald Trump by a 3 to 1 margin over Hillary Clinton because the media didn’t do a good enough job informing those voters of how much they were benefiting from President Barack Obama’s policies, the soon-to-be ex-president said. “Tom — Tom Vilsack, my agriculture secretary […]

Most North Carolinians enjoy holidays as political stormwinds swirl in Raleigh

Most North Carolinians enjoy holidays as political stormwinds swirl in Raleigh

by WorldTribune Staff, December 27, 2016 As most North Carolinians enjoyed the end of campaign attack ads and basked in above-average temperatures on Christmas Day, a political storm continued to churn in Raleigh. Democratic Gov.-elect Roy Cooper, before even taking office, has been swept up in crosswinds along with the veto-proof Republican majority in the […]

Report: Trump can reshape judiciary as he inherits more than 100 federal court vacancies

Report: Trump can reshape judiciary as he inherits more than 100 federal court vacancies

by WorldTribune Staff, December 26, 2016 The Trump administration will have a huge opportunity to reshape the judiciary with an estimated 103 federal circuit and district court vacancies being handed over during the transition, a report said. “State gun control laws, abortion restrictions, voter laws, anti-discrimination measures and immigrant issues are all matters that are […]

Does U.S. speak with one voice on foreign policy? I don’t think so, says Donald Trump

Does U.S. speak with one voice on foreign policy? I don’t think so, says Donald Trump

by WorldTribune Staff, December 25, 2016 In challenging President Barack Obama’s policies on nuclear weapons, Mideast peace, Iran and China, President-elect Donald Trump is also challenging the notion that America speaks with one voice on foreign policy. Trump’s outspokenness has wrankled the Obama White House and set up a rare and public policy confrontation between […]

Egypt’s Sisi calls Trump about Mideast peace after pushing to shelve UN resolution

Egypt’s Sisi calls Trump about Mideast peace after pushing to shelve UN resolution

by WorldTribune Staff, December 23, 2016 Egypt withdrew an anti-Israeli settlement resolution it planned to submit to the UN Security Council about an hour after U.S. President-elect Donald Trump came out against it. “The resolution being considered at the United Nations Security Council regarding Israel should be vetoed,” Trump said in a statement on Dec. […]

Greatest hits, No. 19: Lack of outrage noted as Western rancher shot down by Feds

Greatest hits, No. 19: Lack of outrage noted as Western rancher shot down by Feds

Special to, Feb. 4, 2016 I.M. Justice, Asheville Tribune Whatever the purpose of the protest, which I can guarantee you does not come out of empty paranoia but from very real and experienced knowledge of how vulnerable we are to federal power, I am shocked at how little courtesy a western rancher is shown. […]

Analyst: Why Trump was right on ‘out of control’ F-35 costs

Analyst: Why Trump was right on ‘out of control’ F-35 costs

by WorldTribune Staff, December 23, 2016 President-elect Donald Trump “can recognize when he is being scammed” and the Pentagon was doing just that by telling him the U.S. could get F-35s “for two to four times what they originally advertised,” security analyst Winslow T. Wheeler said on Dec. 22. Trump had tweeted on Dec. 12 […]

Iran-backed Hizbullah forces in Syria using U.S. military vehicles, Israel says

Iran-backed Hizbullah forces in Syria using U.S. military vehicles, Israel says

by WorldTribune Staff, December 22, 2016 Hizbullah fighters in Syria are using American armored personnel carriers originally supplied by the U.S. to the Lebanese army, a senior Israeli military officer said. In an intelligence briefing to foreign reporters in Tel Aviv on Dec. 21, the senior officer showed a photograph of Iran-backed Hizbullah military vehicles, […]