ESPN’s New Year’s eve nightmare: College football ratings in free fall

ESPN’s New Year’s eve nightmare: College football ratings in free fall

by WorldTribune Staff, January 2, 2017 Is it too late for the 24/7 sports network to return to being a network that focuses primarily on . . . sports? ESPN’s broadcast of the College Football Playoffs on Dec. 31 received just a 10.4 rating, down 32 percent from two years ago. The ratings may be […]

Iran has pocketed $10 billion in cash and gold since signing nuclear deal

Iran has pocketed $10 billion in cash and gold since signing nuclear deal

by WorldTribune Staff, January 2, 2017 In the three years since it signed a preliminary nuclear deal with world powers, Iran has received more than $10 billion in sanctions relief in the form of cash and gold, a report said. Large payouts in gold and cash from oil funds unfrozen in numerous countries “represent the […]

Swamp-drainer Kellyanne Conway hints at concerns D.C. private schools may blacklist her children

Swamp-drainer Kellyanne Conway hints at concerns D.C. private schools may blacklist her children

by WorldTribune Staff, January 1, 2017 Private schools in the nation’s capital who present themselves as beacons of diversity may not be so open-minded when it comes to the kids of a top Donald Trump adviser. “Kellyanne Conway is worried establishment elites in Washington … are so prejudiced against Trump that she won’t be able […]

After all the hype, North Carolina Democrats refused to repeal HB2

After all the hype, North Carolina Democrats refused to repeal HB2

by WorldTribune Staff, January 1, 2017 House Bill 2 turned out to be “too powerful a political issue and too lucrative a fundraising tool” for North Carolina Democrats who ultimately refused to repeal the “bathroom bill” they claimed to despise, according to the state senate’s leader. All of North Carolina’s Democratic state senators voted against […]

Chaotic Middle East to be without U.S. aircraft carrier for months

Chaotic Middle East to be without U.S. aircraft carrier for months

by WorldTribune Staff, January 1, 2017 The United States will be without an aircraft carrier presence in the Middle East for up to two months. The return of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower to its Norfolk homeport comes “amid a heated fight against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria and a slew of burgeoning […]

2016 was then: World stage set for more dramatic tension

Special to By John J. Metzler NEW YORK — It’s once again time to consult the crystal snow globe and peer ahead into what events 2017 may bring. After a surprising, tumultuous and truly roller-coaster year just past, we certainly can hope for a more stable period. But should we? Despite the unprecedented electoral […]

California ‘progressives’ pass law said to legalize child prostitution

California ‘progressives’ pass law said to legalize child prostitution

by WorldTribune Staff, December 30, 2016 A law decriminalizing child prostitution in California will take effect on Jan. 1. The action was immediately slammed by critics as a reward to the “darker side” of human nature. According to Senate Bill 1322, which was signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, police officers in the state […]

‘Very suspicious’: Matt Drudge suggests U.S. government shut down his site

‘Very suspicious’: Matt Drudge suggests U.S. government shut down his site

by WorldTribune Staff, December 30, 2016 Matt Drudge tied the Obama administration to one of the worst DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attacks in the history of his powerful Drudge Report website on Dec. 29. “Is the US government attacking DRUDGE REPORT? Biggest DDoS since site’s inception. VERY suspicious routing [and timing],” Drudge tweeted to his 457,000 followers. Drudge […]

Patriot groups ‘locked and loaded’ after Obama includes Bundy Ranch property in national monument designation

Patriot groups ‘locked and loaded’ after Obama includes Bundy Ranch property in national monument designation

by WorldTribune Staff, December 30, 2016 Some members of patriot groups who supported Cliven Bundy during his 2014 standoff with the feds are preparing for another battle after President Barack Obama designated a new national monument in Nevada on land near the site of the Bundy Ranch standoff. “Get your gear ready,” wrote Jon Ritzheimer, who also […]

Hill: Obama is under mounting pressure to prove his charge that Russia interfered with election

Hill: Obama is under mounting pressure to prove his charge that Russia interfered with election

by WorldTribune Staff, December 29, 2016 President Barack Obama has warned of retaliatory measures, including sanctions, against Russia for its alleged interference in the presidential election. Obama, however, “has provided little documentation to back up” his accusations against Moscow and is being pressed by both Republicans and Democrats to do so, The Hill reported on […]