by WorldTribune Staff, June 26, 2022
Two days after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine, a high performing real estate professional, single mother, and example of peak health and fitness, Jenny Porter, found herself “horrifically ill,” in “nonstop excruciating pain,”and unable to walk. Then, she lost custody of her children.
Her doctor of almost 20 years diagnosed Porter with Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS), attributed to the vaccine. She shared her story in an interview with Broken Truth’s John Davidson and R. Clinton Ohlers, PhD.
Bedridden and in constant pain that required an additional round of medication simply to be able to raise herself up enough to speak for the interview, Porter describes her current condition as “1,000% better” than what she experienced immediately after receiving the shot.
Because of her condition, Porter lost custody of her two children, six years after her divorce. Given only six months of disability benefits by the government, “in spite of the fact my doctor submitted a request for benefits three times” since then. When her savings ran out, Porter had to go to an emergency shelter. She is currently seeking a facility that offers medical and physical therapy to help her recover.
Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome, she explains, is “an autoimmune type inflammatory disease which attacks your organs, your tissues, your muscles. It also activated old sports injuries. It activated arthritis. It damaged my spine and bulged discs in my lumbar. We also believe it bulged discs in my neck.”
In addition, she experienced cognitive and reproductive issues and is in specialized physical therapy for paraplegics, in order to relearn to walk. She has dealt with these symptoms since April of 2021, when she received the mRNA vaccine.
“My muscles are twisted or something inside. They just don’t want to go correctly,” she explains. Remaining positive about her progress towards walking again, she adds, “I’m doing very very well. I sort of feel like I’m three-fourths of they way there. And I want to believe that.”
Remarkably, in a pattern repeated in every interview has conducted with a Covid-vaccine-injured person, Porter’s devastating and life altering injuries were discussed by the FDA and CDC as potential side-effects of the vaccines in October of 2020, months ahead of the rollout. However, these were concealed from the public.
Under pressure to help her industry reopen, Porter took a vaccine she had been led to believe was safe. “As a single mom needing to make a living, I thought I did my due diligence. I thought I researched it. I thought I was being safe. . . But I didn’t know I wasn’t researching on the right platforms.”
These platforms were Google, “YouTube videos. And to be honest, I trusted our government,” Porter adds. “It was never in my scope of reality that this would be,” she says speaking of the enormous international betrayal by our governing agencies.
She discovered medical specialists also were in the dark. “I told them, ‘You want to see me as much as I want to see you, because there are going to be floods and floods of people like me. You’re going to want a jump start on this,” Porter recounts.
When asked what she thinks of the rationale that cases like hers are collateral damage necessary for the greater good of public health, she said, “I get that. But millions? Millions. Globally. And we all know it. I had one preliminary report of VAERS on my Instagram. 1.2 million. And this is an old report, of injured and dead.”
“The reason I want to create awareness is because I’m a strong healthy person [before the vaccine], very physically fit, and a clean bill of health. So, the other delusion I had was, ‘I’ll be fine. This is just something I have to go do to make everyone else feel fine about me moving about amongst them. I was that blinded.”
I want people to know, she warns, “this absolutely could happen, this and worse, to you or your loved one, and it is real.”
“Because I lead a faith based life, I’ve had to rely on my faith,” she adds. “My faith is in Jesus Christ and I just pray. ‘God, bring the people to me that have the answers. Help me get the word out to others about what’s helping me.’”
A LifeFunder donation page under ‘jabbed Jenny’ is being created for anyone wishing to help Porter, who faces critical, pressing financial needs to support her medical treatment, housing, and numerous other expenses. Organizers expect the account to be active by June 28.
Screen shots from the FDA’s 161st meeting of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, October 22, 2020:
Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, Deputy Director of the Immunization Safety Office, CDC:
Dr. Steven Anderson, Director of the FDA’s Office of Biostatistics and Epidemiology:
Related: Mom: Pfizer, FDA, CDC concealed adverse reactions ahead of vaccine clinical trials; Have yet to respond May 8, 2022
Related: Ernest Ramirez, Jf.: A brokenhearted father’s story June 3, 2022
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