by WorldTribune Staff, September 18, 2023
The same Ukrainian billionaire oligarch who bankrolled Hunter Biden at Burisma was also the boss and benefactor over Volodymyr Zelensky before he became Ukraine’s president. Zelensky has since extracted some $100 billion in U.S. taxpayer money out of Joe Biden and war hawks in Congress.
So, who exactly is Ihor Kolomoysky?

The billionaire who has holdings in metal, petroleum, and the media sector, is not only tied to the Bidens and Zelensky but has funded neo-Nazi militias in Ukraine, reports say.
In March of 2022, the Kanekoa News blog on had noted: “The real person who was the benefactor to, and the boss of, Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, at the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings, was not the CEO of Burisma Holdings, Mykola Zlochevsky. Instead, it was Ihor Kolomoysky, who was part of the newly installed Ukrainian government, which the Obama Administration itself had just installed in Ukraine, in what the head of the ‘private CIA’ firm Stratfor correctly called ‘the most blatant coup in history.’ ”
Ties between Kolomoysky and the Biden family were first reported by the New York Post and the British press in 2020. According to the NY Post report of Oct. 31, 2020:
He is not the type of ‘businessman’ the Bidens would want to be associated with, said one Ukraine expert. In August, the U.S. Justice Department accused Kolomoisky of robbing billions from the PrivatGroup bank he owned and using the many companies he has all over the world, including the U.S., to launder it.
The Bond villain-like Kolomoisky, 57, reportedly kept a live shark in a huge tank in his office to intimidate visitors, and once called the 5-foot-7 Russian President Vladimir Putin a ‘schizophrenic dwarf.’
A 2012 study of Burisma Holdings done in Ukraine by the AntiCorruption Action Centre (ANTAC), an investigative nonprofit co-funded by American billionaire George Soros and the U.S. State Department, found the valid owner of Burisma Holdings was Kolomoysky.
The study, which was funded in order to dig up dirt on Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, found that Kolomoysky “managed to seize the largest reserves of natural gas in Ukraine.”
Kanekoa News noted that Burisma Holdings changed owners in 2011 when it was taken over by an off-shore Cyprus enterprise called Brociti Investments Ltd, and subsequently, moved addresses under the same roof as Ukrnaftoburinnya and Esko-Pivnich, two Ukrainian gas companies which happened to be also owned by Kolomoysky through off-shore entities in the British Virgin Islands.
Oleh Kanivets, who worked as CEO of Ukrnaftoburinnya, confirmed Kolomoysky as the owner of Burisma Holdings in the 2012 report, saying, “The Privat Group is the immediate owner. This company was founded by Mykola Zlochevsky some time ago, but he later sold his shares to the Privat Group.”
In other words, Hunter Biden’s boss and benefactor at Burisma Holdings was Kolomoysky.
Before he became president of Ukraine, Zelensky’s media company produced shows for Kolmoysky’s TV network, 1+1 Media Group, one of the largest media conglomerates in Ukraine. Zelensky became famous for portraying a president on a hit television sitcom called “Servant of the People”, which was broadcast on a channel owned by Kolomoysky.
In 2019, Kolomoysky’s media channels boosted Zelensky’s presidential campaign, while Kolomoysky even provided security, lawyers, and vehicles for Zelensky during his campaign.
Kolomoysky has also financed the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion since it was formed in 2014 and has bankrolled murderous militias like the Dnipro and Aidar Battalions, personally deploying them to protect his financial interests.

The nonprofit research group Marco Polo, doing a comprehensive report on Hunter Biden’s Laptop, identified Kolomoysky as one of many “loose ends” the Bidens wanted tied up to conceal their Ukraine transactions. The report also connected Hunter Biden’s text messages and Kolomoysky’s massacres in eastern Ukraine.
Text messages found on Hunter Biden’s laptop show Hunter Biden asking Hallie Biden, his brother’s widow-turned-mistress, if she believed that he had “children burned alive in DONETSK” or “children killed in donetsk, Ukraine.”
The texts apparently referred to Kolomoysky, Hunter Biden’s top Burisma Holdings boss, who was also funding the Azov Battalion which has been accused of war crimes and shelling civilians in eastern Ukraine.
In 2016, Kolomoysky’s Privatbank collapsed amid accusations of embezzlement and fraud. The bank failure cost the Ukrainian government — and by extension, the American and European taxpayers who propped it up with aid funds — about $5.5 billion in a bailout.
In 2020, the U.S. Justice Department moved to seize Kolomoysky’s U.S. properties after accusing the oligarch of embezzling and defrauding billions of dollars from Privatbank and laundering it into American properties, including a steel plant in Kentucky, a commercial high rise in Cleveland, and a Motorola manufacturing plant in Illinois.
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