Special to WorldTribune, November 2, 2021
Commentary by Joe Schaeffer
[Editor’s Note: As Virginia voters head to the polls today, former President Donald J Trump has issued a lukewarm endorsement of the GOP’s Glenn Youngkin. Why lukewarm? Joe Schaeffer offers some context and, like Revelations 3:16, some opinion: “. . . because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.”]This is most assuredly a commentary, and is labeled as such, but at WorldTribune we don’t lecture to our readers, we aim to provide information that they can use. In that vein, please consider this as food for thought, whether or not you fully (or even partially) agree with the opinion stated.

Donald Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh are being savaged by non-Mitch McConnell conservatives for their latest disgraces, two of which came out today. The first:
The Supreme Court is declining to wade into a case involving transgender rights and leaving in place a lower court decision against a Catholic hospital that wouldn’t allow a transgender man to have a hysterectomy there.
The high court turned away the case Monday without comment, as is typical. Three conservative justices — Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch — said they would have heard the case.
And the second:
Conservative Supreme Court Justices Signal Doubts About Texas’ Extreme Abortion Ban Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh surprised observers with their tough questions for the Texas solicitor general over the state’s six-week ban. https://t.co/B1Rehae0V2
— Deborah Efron (@catsformede) November 1, 2021
Yet the very same people who right now at this very moment are deeply, terribly upset over Kavanaugh and ACB’s “perfidy” are fervently praying for a Glenn Youngkin victory in Virginia on Nov. 2.
It’s quite astonishing, really.
They are making the same mistake again as they rue the mistake they so very recently made twice before.
Will America First patriots ever learn?
You cannot boost people who are not ideologically with you just because they claim to wear the same letter by their name as you.
We’ve written extensively on Youngkin’s globalist, George Soros, Deep State and pro-Chinese business dealings. Via his powerhouse private equity corporation the Carlyle Group, Youngkin has also provided financial support for some of the worst Cultural Marxist rot in America today, courtesy of the thoroughly discredited Southern Poverty Law Center.
Here is a very good clip of former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon astutely nailing Youngkin on May 7, one day before the Virginia Republican primary:
Steve Bannon recently slammed Glenn Youngkin as the No. 1 investor in China and the "farthest from MAGA and America First." and a financial backer of the Southern Poverty Law Center! A MUST WATCH! pic.twitter.com/bxYxRHmP0z
— 🇺🇸🌼Karmela from VA 🌸🇺🇸 Say NO to RINOs (@DennisDestroye1) October 31, 2021
Interesting note: The Twitter account posting this presents itself as a MAGA-loving, RINO-hating patriot. Yet the account was created in August, after Youngkin had already secured the GOP nomination. No matter, as we mean to highlight the clip, but it is worth nothing that, even if this account is indeed on the level and not a Democrat operative, Democrats no doubt want to suppress the Youngkin vote. But, as with the savage Supreme Court nomination attacks on Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett, is that reason to support that which you would not otherwise support?
The clip is legit, and Bannon’s comments can be heard on the full episode of his May 7 show here (go to 39:39 mark) at his War Room website.
Bannon has since warmed up considerably to Youngkin, and his show is now positioning the contest in Virginia as a Biblical contest of good vs. evil.
How can patriotic Americans still not understand the danger of encouraging this type of fraudulent conservative after 12 years of Bushes in the White House and having utter frauds like John McCain and Mitt Romney foisted on them as presidential nominees very much against their will, which only assured that Barack Obama would get his 8 years in office too?
Conservatives need to stop projecting what they hope these people will be and look at who they really are.
Kavanaugh had Bush ties going way back. He has spent his entire life in the Swamp bubble.
And Coney Barrett was always the corporate choice. It’s depressingly hilarious that the social conservative part was supposed to be a little something to rely on and even that is proving to have never been there. It appears to have been a total lie all along the line.
These were McConnell’s Supreme Court picks, yet MAGA rallied to their defense during contentious nomination processes both times. The progressive Left acted repulsively in both instances, but is that reason to accept having an America First president tap two ruling establishment nominees?
Trump backers are realizing with dismay that the answer is a resounding no.
And yet now, among far too many people who should know better, it’s: “Dear Lord, please let Glenn Youngkin win!”
Here is the heart of the matter:
RINOs should be treated like abortion. Yes, abortions will still go on without you and they are a horrible thing, but the primary aim first off is that people of good will do not directly participate in the murderous act themselves. Don’t be complicit.
The exact same mindset should apply to voting for a RINO.
When you do not vote for a RINO you at least are not actively voting against your own interests, even if what seems like a worse alternative may occur as a result. That may appear to be a less preferable scenario. However:
When you actively vote against your own interests, you are perpetuating your own total lack of authentic representation in the political process of this country today. In the not-very-long run, that is an epic disaster in which you lock yourself into your own false-choice two-party jail and throw away the key.
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