Special to WorldTribune, May 12, 2021
The deep-seated problem of belonging to a Republican Party still tightly aligned with the Washington power establishment for an America First grassroots base that doesn’t want to see Democrats win elections is on theater marquee display in Virginia.

On May 10, Glenn Youngkin, former CEO of powerhouse private equity corporation the Carlyle Group, secured the GOP nomination for the 2021 governor’s race.
Youngkin is expected to face former Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the heavy favorite to capture the Democrat nomination on June 8.
McAuliffe is a longtime intimate associate of Bill and Hillary Clinton and it is a given that America First Republicans would staunchly oppose him. But what are they to do when the red choice is just as tainted with Clinton and other nefarious ties?
In 2016, the “Panama Papers” leak of elitist efforts to avoid taxes via secretive offshore accounts contained revealing information on the activities of progressive globalist billionaire George Soros. Among the findings were details of Soros’s stealth business ties to Carlyle, headed at the time by Youngkin.
The dealings were steeped in Deep State machinations.
“Soros Capital set up an offshore company in the Cayman Islands for the purpose of investing private equity with the Carlyle Group, alongside members of Saudi Arabia’s Bin Laden family,” Peter Byrne reported for Fox News at the time.
“Carlyle’s partners include ex-heads of state and former CIA officials. The private equity partnership specializes in buying and selling weapons manufacturing and intelligence gathering companies with government and military contracts and it also uses secret offshore companies to conduct business.”
The Carlyle Group also has a history of lavishing the Clinton family with six-figure cash payments for giving “speeches.”
“Hillary Clinton is set to be the featured attraction at the private equity firm The Carlyle Group’s investor conference next month — the latest in a string of paid speeches the former secretary of state is making in the window she has to decide on a 2016 campaign,” a 2013 Politico report reads. “Clinton’s speaking fee is roughly $200,000, according to multiple reports,” the news outlet noted.
The company also is featured on the Clinton Foundation website. Under a heading titled “Speeches for the Clinton Foundation,” the foundation states, “[i]n addition to contributions and grants, listed here, speeches by President, Secretary, and Chelsea Clinton have helped support the implementation of the Clinton Foundation’s work around the world.”
Under the category listed “Amount: $100,001 to $250,000,” is the name “Carlyle Investment Management, LLC.”
A footnote reveals that Bill Clinton delivered the speech for this entry.
Despite this background, Youngkin is attempting to label himself an insurgent now that he has become the Republican nominee. “Virginians have made it clear that they are ready for a political outsider with a proven business experience to bring real change in Richmond,” he wrote in a tweet on the evening of May 10.
All of which begs the question: How does a Make America Great Again supporter stop George Soros and the Clinton cartel from transforming the nation by voting for an “alternative” candidate with deep financial ties to George Soros and the Clintons?
Former President Donald Trump, leader of the MAGA movement, endorsed Youngkin on May 11. “Glenn is pro-Business, pro-Second Amendment, pro-Veterans, pro-America, he knows how to make Virginia’s economy rip-roaring, and he has my Complete and Total Endorsement!” Trump declared in a statement.
“Glenn is running against Bill Clinton’s longtime enabler, Terry McAuliffe,” Trump continued. “Terry McAuliffe was the Clintons’ bagman in more ways than one, from the cover-ups to the get-rich-quick schemes, and his deals with Communist China look suspicious.”
If Trump’s endorsement of the former CEO of a group that stuffed money into those bags being held by McAuliffe is troubling to some of his backers, what are they to make of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), another MAGA favorite, and the fact that he endorsed and personally campaigned for Youngkin while the GOP nomination was still up for grabs?
“I’m here today because Virginia has a candidate for governor who can and will win, my friend, Glenn Youngkin,” Cruz exclaimed May 5 at a rally for Youngkin in Lynchburg, WSET-TV reports. “Virginia needs a governor who can get this state back open again and back to work,” Cruz added.
The grueling conundrum for America First Republicans often remains the same some six years after Donald Trump began his establishment-rocking political rise that took him all the way to the White House. By not supporting a globalist, Swamp-infested GOP candidate, you help a thoroughly unacceptable Democrat win election. By supporting such a Republican, you in essence enable those forces seeking to nullify any genuine representation of your political views within your own party.
America First voters in Virginia will have to answer this question for themselves at the polls on Nov. 2.
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