Special to WorldTribune, January 25, 2022
Analysis by Joe Schaeffer, 247 Real News
There is a vital central component of the Jab Tyranny that cannot be spotlighted enough. The Culture of Death wants America’s kids.
California Democrat state Sen. Scott Wiener in 2020 infamously introduced legislation passed by the State Assembly to eliminate automatic sex-offender registration for adults who have “voluntary” oral or anal sex with 14- to-17-year-olds when the offender is within 10 years of the age of the teenager involved.

On Jan. 20, Wiener introduced the vaccine version of his vile assault on this country’s youth.
From the Los Angeles Times:
On Thursday, Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) introduced Senate Bill 866, which would permit children 12 and older to choose to be vaccinated, including against COVID-19, without a parent’s consent or knowledge.
Here is Wiener’s sickening quote on his new assault on children and parental rights, issued by his official senatorial office:
“Giving young people the autonomy to receive life-saving vaccines, regardless of their parents’ beliefs or work schedules, is essential for their physical and mental health,” said Senator Scott Wiener. “COVID-19 is a deadly virus for the unvaccinated, and it’s unconscionable for teens to be blocked from the vaccine because a parent either refuses or cannot take their child to a vaccination site. So many teens want to be vaccinated so that they can lead a more normal life — participating in sports or band, traveling, going to friends’ homes — but they’re prevented from doing so due to their parents’ political views or inability to find the time.
What is it with this man’s obsession about enabling young teens to have the full personal agency of grown adults?
Wiener also co-wrote a second major piece of new vaccine coercion legislation, state Sen. Richard Pan’s bill that would “close a loophole in the state’s requirement that children receive COVID-19 shots”.
The Sacramento Bee explains what that really means: parents wouldn’t be able to cite their personal beliefs as a reason not to get their kids jabbed:
The proposed bill by state Sen. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, would require that all students from kindergarten through 12th grade get vaccinated against the coronavirus starting Jan. 1, 2023.
If passed by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, it would override a major exemption in the state’s current vaccine mandate, which allows parents to opt their kids out of the requirement if they attest that getting the vaccine would violate their personal beliefs.
Pan is a longtime jab fanatic who was worked tirelessly for years to take away all parental choice when it comes to vaccination.
In September, Pan was “selected by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) as the 2021 recipient of their prestigious Child Health Advocate Award.”
In naming AAP specifically noted this aspect of Pan’s work:
He passed landmark legislation to abolish non-medical exemptions to legally required vaccines for school students, thereby restoring community immunity from preventable contagion.
AAP is a deeply compromised organization funded heavily by Big Pharma:
Numerous big-box media outlets have dutifully reported that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), “an organization of 67,000 pediatricians,” has recommended that all children over the age of two wear masks at school. What is not being mentioned is that this group’s current “corporate partners” and “top 10 donors” include Big Pharma goliaths Johnson & Johnson and Merck, as well as multinational corporations, such as Nestle, that sell health-related products aimed at children.
Pan is also a board member of United Way California Capital’s Region. WorldTribune has documented United Way’s decline into full-blown social justice warrior mania.
A Jan. 24 article written by Bill Gates front group Kaiser Health News noted that California’s pro-vaccine backlash against the grassroots opposition to Jab Tyranny in the Golden State has major political establishment cache:
Vaccine supporters realize they must fight back and are launching a lobbying campaign, led by political heavyweights from Sacramento and Washington, D.C., to combat vaccine opponents with some of their own tactics.
Just as with Wiener, the Culture of Death is again openly allied with the Jabbers, this time in the form of Big Abortion, Inc.:
“The firestorm is here. This is ground warfare that the anti-vax extremists are bringing, and I think we need to be able to match it,” said Crystal Strait, the former president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California who is leading the campaign under the group ProtectUS.
Unsurprisingly, Strait relies on the same child liberation jargon that has proved so effective in getting teens to murder their unborn babies to get them inoculated with the Jab:
Good #tweetiatrician advice: @DrPanMD always says to listen to the patient — whatever their age. Let’s LISTEN to what teens are saying: they want freedom from the pandemic just like we all do! #crushcovid #vaccinate #ThisIsOurShot https://t.co/ADO2J2Rh79
— Crystal Strait (@crystalstrait) May 31, 2021
I would update this to say – some teens are eligible for the vaccine – but the laws legally allow their parents to block them.
— Crystal Strait (@crystalstrait) September 4, 2021
WorldTribune warned about all this last May. Big Med vaccinating kids and sexual “autonomy” for children are two ghoulish plagues emanating from the same evil Pandora’s Box:
The stated goal could not be spelled out more clearly: To make teenagers health “consumers” and to shape the values they come to hold:
Health care professionals can implement programs and practices to develop adolescents into knowledgeable and engaged health care consumers. Additionally, health care professionals can improve the quality of their care by centering the values and opinions of the young people they serve. The following resources can help you along the way.
Sexual health care is of course paramount as well in this “centering” process:
Discussing sexuality and sexual activity with young people provides an excellent opportunity to build trust, convey essential health information, and strengthen adolescents’ self-efficacy. Yet research shows that health care providers struggle to address this sensitive topic with their adolescent patients adequately. [The University of Michigan’s Adolescent Health Initiative] offers an array of tools to help providers and health centers practice strengths-based sexual health care to adolescents.
At the end of the dark and twisting road is one larger, all-encompassing Culture of Death agenda. And it is very much targeted at America’s most vulnerable population: children.
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