Special to WorldTribune.com
Angry leftists are taking their strategy of bombarding social media with posts branding Donald Trump a racist-bully to the next level.
Some are apparently leaving their parents’ homes and attempting to disrupt and ultimately shut down the GOP front-runner’s massive rallies.

At a rally in Ohio on March 12, 32-year-old Thomas Dimassimo rushed the stage as Trump spoke to a huge crowd of supporters. Four Secret Service agents encircled Trump in the incident.
Dimassimo, a Bernie Sanders supporter and part of the Black Lives Matter movement, was wrestled to the ground by Secret Service agents who received a double thumbs-up from Trump, who said, “I was ready for him, but it’s much easier if the cops do it.”
In a tweet to his followers, Dimassimo said: “I’m at this you know what rally bout to you know what.”
At the same rally, Trump had berated a heckler who was being led out by authorities.
“Go back home to Mommy. The guy looks like he’s 15-years-old. What’s going on?” Trump said. “Take him back home to Mom. She’ll lock him in his bedroom.”
On March 11 in Chicago, violent protesters forced Trump to shut down a planned rally.
“It was determined that if we go in, it could cause really bad, bad vibes,” Trump said. “I didn’t want to see anybody get hurt.”
Trump said his campaign has been the victim of “planned attacks” from Chicago’s “professional” radicals.
The GOP front-runner said he planned to keep a full slate of events through March 15, when Republicans go to the polls in Florida, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois and North Carolina.
Disruptions by opponents at his rallies “just makes our friends and supporters more angry,” he said in Cleveland on March 12. “We’re going to go to the polls Tuesday, and it’s going to be a resounding victory.”
Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, known for frequent use of clichés said Trump’s rhetoric was “dangerous.”
“If you play with matches, you’re going to start a fire you can’t control. That’s not leadership. That’s political arson,” she said on March 12.
“My people aren’t violent,” Trump said. “It’s these people who come in. My people want to do one thing, make America great again.”
Trump event at Cleveland’s International Exposition Center drew 30,000 supporters and attendees were required to pass through 10 metal detectors three hours before the speech began.
Trump supporter Steven Hutchinson, of New Philadelphia, Ohio, blasted demonstrators for “infringing on his right to talk. All that’s going to do is get more people to hate the other side,” said the laid-off steelworker.
Elizabeth Betyak, 68, of Westlake, Ohio, nodded in recognition at a protester who was escorted from the event.
“A long time ago, when I was a hippie, I made some dumb political choices, too,” she told the New York Post. Trump is “a businessman, and he treats everyone respectfully,” she said.
About 100 demonstrators lined the street outside the convention center on March 12, some holding anti-Trump signs reading “Trump is Hitler’s child.”