Special to WorldTribune.com
By Brett M. Decker, The Washington Times
The liberal media is pushing a narrative that the Romney campaign is crippled by poor management and indecision. Central to this storyline is the premise that Republican challenger Mitt Romney should be headed for a landslide victory given the economy and President Obama’s low approval ratings.

A neck-and-neck race is thus a GOP loss before the final lap is run. Never mind that Mr. Romney is up by 2 points nationwide in the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, and forget that a majority of Americans disapprove of the job the president has done over the past four years. The pro-Obama media campaign is trying to convince the public this election is over before voting has started.
Of course, the reality of modern American politics is the leftwing media juggernaut in favor of Democrats is a major handicap for Republicans, making it an uphill battle for any conservative to win nationally.
The 2012 election might be the most extreme example yet of overt media bias.
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