Texas doctor: 78 candidates, 60 elected officials now calling for removing Covid vaccine

by WorldTribune Staff, January 12, 2024

A Texas doctor on Friday said the list of candidates and elected officials calling for the Covid shots to be removed from the market continues to grow.

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden said in a post to X that 78 candidates, 60 elected officials, and one state surgeon general have publicly stated the Covid injections should be pulled from the market.

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden

“Many are also pledging not to take donations from Big Pharma. Over 17,000 physicians stand behind them,” Bowden wrote. (See Bowden’s complete list of the officials below.)

Bowden is the Texas physician who is fighting charges by the state medical board over her prescribing ivermectin to a hospitalized Covid patient.

Bowden, an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist who studied medicine at both the University of Texas and Stanford University, says she has successfully treated more than 5,500 Covid patients without a single death, but she faces a formal complaint filed by the Texas Medical Board (TMB) with the state’s administrative courts.

Bowden’s hearing will take place on April 24.

The Texan reported in June 2023:

Most of the TMB’s allegations against Bowden surround the case of Tarrant County Deputy Sheriff Jason Jones, who was admitted to Texas Health Huguley Hospital in Fort Worth in September 2021.

Testing positive for COVID-19 and experiencing shortness of breath, Jones reportedly requested ivermectin, but the hospital refused to administer the drug off-label. Jones continued to deteriorate, and after the hospital intubated him, his wife, who had medical power of attorney, consulted with Bowden.

Bowden prescribed ivermectin and applied for privileges with Huguley, but says she was told by hospital officials that she would not be accepted and so withdrew her application. Jones’ wife filed a lawsuit and after a district court judge ruled the family had the right to try the medication, Bowden sent a nurse to administer it to Jones at the hospital.

The hospital refused the nurse entry and called the Fort Worth Police Department to intervene. According to the TMB filing, this resulted “in a disruptive scene,” after which Bowden used her Twitter account to “inappropriately” publicize the patient’s care and identify hospital staff involved.

Days later, an appeals court overruled the district court’s decision, denying Jones’ right to try a medication not authorized by the hospital. Jones’ wife says she secretly applied a topical ivermectin that was not prescribed by Bowden. Jones was eventually discharged from the hospital but never fully recovered; he died earlier this year.

The TMB complaint states that Bowden violated the standard of care in prescribing medication for a patient with whom she “did not have a prior physician-patient relationship” and without conducting an exam.

WorldTribune.com reported on Aug. 11, 2023 that Bowden was one of three doctors in a lawsuit filed against the FDA after the agency told Americans to stop taking ivermectin to treat Covid. The doctors charged the FDA with interfering in doctors’ authority to prescribe an approved medication as well as interfering in the doctor-patient relationship.

Bowden said at the time she had prescribed ivermectin to many of her 5,500 Covid patients, but doing so became extremely difficult due to the Covid overlords.

“I had to find pharmacies willing to dispense it, fight a hospital unwilling to use it, and reassure sick patients it was safe,” she said. “Countless other doctors faced the same roadblocks. The repercussions on patient care are immeasurable.”

As of August of last year, doctors are now free to prescribe ivermectin to treat Covid.

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