String of favorable rulings for Covid vax religious exemptions continues

String of favorable rulings for Covid vax religious exemptions continues

by WorldTribune Staff, August 16, 2024 Contract With Our Readers A federal appeals court ruled in favor of a former Philadelphia assistant district attorney who said she was fired for refusing to receive the Covid injection after claiming she was wrongfully denied a religious exemption. In another case, the Connecticut Supreme Court sent a case […]

‘Excellent sheep’ without protests: Former Yale prof reflects on origins of Wokeness

‘Excellent sheep’ without protests: Former Yale prof reflects on origins of Wokeness

by WorldTribune Staff, May 26, 2022 America’s colleges for some time have been “breeding very excellent sheep” who know how to follow in lockstep with the Woke herd, but don’t know how to be independent adults, a former Yale professor wrote. William Deresiewicz, who taught English at Yale University for ten years, separated himself from […]

New York pro sports teams jump on the Covid tyranny train

New York pro sports teams jump on the Covid tyranny train

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, May 7, 2021 Peanuts! Popcorn! Papers please! In New York, MLB might as well stand for Marxist Baseball League. The New York Yankees and New York Mets are going to have separate sections for those with the Covid vaccine and those dreaded “anti-vaccers” who still believe they have rights in the […]

Rep. Ratcliffe: Putin’s top Russia asset in U.S. is Adam Schiff

Rep. Ratcliffe: Putin’s top Russia asset in U.S. is Adam Schiff

by WorldTribune Staff, February 24, 2020 How easy a mark for propaganda is Rep. Adam Schiff? In 2017, when a pair of Russian comedians posing as a Ukrainian politician said they had nude photos of President Donald Trump, Schiff fell for it hook, line and sinker. So politicians and analysts were not surprised in the […]

As statute of limitations for Hillary felonies expires, FBI re-opens probe of foundation

As statute of limitations for Hillary felonies expires, FBI re-opens probe of foundation

by WorldTribune Staff, January 5, 2018 FBI agents in Little Rock are active in a renewed investigation into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in pay-for-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, a report said. Law enforcement officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The Hill that the FBI is […]

U.S. forces in Korea begin evacuation exercises for family members

U.S. forces in Korea begin evacuation exercises for family members

by WorldTribune Staff, October 16, 2017 An annual training exercise for U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) will this year include drills for evacuating service members and their families should war break out on the Korean Peninsula. The annual Courageous Channel training exercise, being held Oct. 16-20, will prepare service members and their families “to respond to […]

Small wars focus has undermined the U.S. Army’s readiness for major conflicts

Small wars focus has undermined the U.S. Army’s readiness for major conflicts

Special to by Dr. Jack Caravelli, Geostrategy-Direct Since the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, the U.S. military has been engaged in a series of “small wars,” conducting low level combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. This style of warfare has been focused on close combat and small unit operations, often supported by air […]

Poll: Confidence in press and all institutions (except military) hits rock bottom

Poll: Confidence in press and all institutions (except military) hits rock bottom

by WorldTribune Staff, June 14, 2016 The American press is approaching Congress when it comes to lack of public confidence. A Gallup survey found that “just 20 percent have confidence in newspapers, a 10-point drop in 10 years. TV news saw an identical 10-point drop, from 31 percent to 21 percent,” according to a report […]

U.S. used Israeli tactic to evacuate civilians before attack on ISIL

U.S. used Israeli tactic to evacuate civilians before attack on ISIL

Special to The United States took a page straight out of the Israeli playbook when it recently launched a “knock operation” to warn civilians of an impending airstrike on an Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) target. The U.S. put the tactic to use during an April 5 strike on an ISIL financial […]