Scientist: Billions of DNA particles in Pfizer vax could explain cardiac, cancer consequences

Scientist: Billions of DNA particles in Pfizer vax could explain cardiac, cancer consequences

by WorldTribune Staff, April 4, 2024 One dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine typically contains over 200 billion DNA fragments which have the potential to incorporate into the DNA of the vaccinated individual and interfere with the expression of oncogenes and tumor suppression genes, a cancer genomics expert said. Dr. Phillip Buckhaults spoke about the […]

‘Plausible mechanism’ for adverse reactions: Covid shots ‘contaminated with plasmid DNA’

‘Plausible mechanism’ for adverse reactions: Covid shots ‘contaminated with plasmid DNA’

by WorldTribune Staff, November 15, 2023 A PHD who does cancer genomics research at the University of South Carolina said his research shows that the Pfizer Covid shots are “contaminated with plasmid DNA” and that is a possible explanation for the millions of adverse reactions to the shots that have been reported. Dr. Phillip Buckhaults, […]