Biden officials ignored child trafficking warnings when placing unaccompanied illegal minors

Biden officials ignored child trafficking warnings when placing unaccompanied illegal minors

by WorldTribune Staff, July 9, 2024 Contract With Our Readers Higher-ups in the Biden administration repeatedly overrode the concerns of lower-level workers who warned about placing unaccompanied illegal alien minors in sketchy households, a report said. In many cases, recommendations to reject a proposed guardian for illegal minors were overturned “because of clerical errors or […]

‘Censorship industry’ called ‘whole-of-society’ replacement of the First Amendment

‘Censorship industry’ called ‘whole-of-society’ replacement of the First Amendment

by WorldTribune Staff, March 17, 2024 [Editor’s Note: Since 2017, independent media platforms like saw proprietary and quantitative evidence that their audience share and “reach” were being arbitrarily limited and in some cases aggressively suppressed. In this follow-up to a Feb. 16 video featuring Tucker Carlson interviewing conservative commentator Mike Benz, Dr. Joseph Mercola […]

GOP sidesteps fury on border from its base, sides with unified Democrats and Mayorkas

GOP sidesteps fury on border from its base, sides with unified Democrats and Mayorkas

by WorldTribune Staff, February 8, 2024 House Republicans again failed to deliver on their vow to solve the crisis at the U.S. southern border as Tuesday’s effort to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas fell one vote short. Republicans defections torpedoed the vote. Four Republicans ultimately voted no: Reps. Tom McClintock of California, Ken Buck […]

Documents: Feds internally cited ‘major challenges’ with 2020 mail-in ballots

Documents: Feds internally cited ‘major challenges’ with 2020 mail-in ballots

by WorldTribune Staff, January 24, 2024 The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) had warned internally of potential issues with mail-in voting during the 2020 election cycle while publicly proclaiming the vote “safe and secure” and censoring social media posts about the risks of a massive vote-by-mail operation, according to newly […]

AG Merrick Garland mum on reports illegal Chinese marijuana farms have sprouted throughout Maine

AG Merrick Garland mum on reports illegal Chinese marijuana farms have sprouted throughout Maine

by WorldTribune Staff, November 10, 2023 Is Team Biden, including his family and Merrick Garland, benefiting from the illegal Chinese marijuana farms that have taken over much of rural Maine? Given the attorney general’s silence on shocking reports of 270 suspected Chinese illegal marijuana grow operations in the state that are worth an estimated $4.37 […]

‘See something, say something’: DHS recruits Americans to inform on Americans

‘See something, say something’: DHS recruits Americans to inform on Americans

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, September 21, 2023 The U.S. government has designated Sept. 25 as National “If You See Something, Say Something” Awareness Day. The phrase was coined by New York advertising executive Allan Kay after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 and was trademarked by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority. But the […]

A record 853,955 overstayed U.S. visas in 2022, including more than 9,000 Chinese students

A record 853,955 overstayed U.S. visas in 2022, including more than 9,000 Chinese students

by WorldTribune Staff, June 29, 2023 More than two decades after 9/11 hijackers exploited the government’s system for tracking foreigners who overstay their visas, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reported that a record 853,955 foreigners overstayed their visas in 2022. The latest figures included in the Fiscal Year 2022 Entry/Exit Overstay Report “illustrate that […]

Twitter Files: Professor with no science background was key Biden adviser on Covid ‘misinformation’

Twitter Files: Professor with no science background was key Biden adviser on Covid ‘misinformation’

by WorldTribune Staff, June 21, 2023 A Brown University professor with no science or medical background was given a key role in the Biden administration’s collaborative effort with social media platforms to censor content that ran counter to the Biden team’s Covid narrative, according to new revelations from the Twitter Files. Claire Wardle, a professor […]

Team Biden stops DNA tests at border that were used to ID child trafficking

Team Biden stops DNA tests at border that were used to ID child trafficking

by WorldTribune Staff, May 29, 2023 The Biden Administration has quietly ended a policy in which migrants entering via the U.S. southern border were subjected to DNA testing, according to a leaked memo. The policy was implemented during the Trump administration to deter child trafficking. The leaked memo, obtained by Just the News, states: “The […]

Biden’s border: 17,000 ‘gotaways’ in one week; 85,000 migrant children missing — and kids in cages

Biden’s border: 17,000 ‘gotaways’ in one week; 85,000 migrant children missing — and kids in cages

by WorldTribune Staff, April 30, 2023 In just one week’s time, 17,000 migrants were reported as “gotaways,” or those who illegally enter the United States without being caught, U.S. Border Patrol chief Raul Ortiz said in an April 28 tweet. More than 51,000 migrants were caught attempting to illegally cross U.S. borders over the same […]

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