Wray’s testimony on shooting sparks outrage; Secret Service refused police offer of drone at rally

Wray’s testimony on shooting sparks outrage; Secret Service refused police offer of drone at rally

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, July 25, 2024 Contract With Our Readers Smooth-talking FBI Director Christopher Wray, a familiar presence on Capitol Hill, angered critics with his testimony that Donald Trump may not have been hit directly with a bullet during the assassination attempt at the former president’s July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Appearing before […]

Unlike ‘regime media’, independent media are saying the obvious about Trump assassination attempt

Unlike ‘regime media’, independent media are saying the obvious about Trump assassination attempt

by WorldTribune Staff, July 24, 2024 Contract With Our Readers Legacy media who have for 60-plus years been speculating about second shooters, CIA plots, and grassy knolls are suddenly completely incurious about how a 20-year-old kid whose presence as a threat was known could perch himself on a roof 150 yards away and get off […]

Behind lost fight for ‘consensual’ Mar-a-Lago raid: FBI ‘prepared to engage with FPOTUS and USSS’

Behind lost fight for ‘consensual’ Mar-a-Lago raid: FBI ‘prepared to engage with FPOTUS and USSS’

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, June 16, 2024 Contract With Our Readers While the Biden team and its legacy media allies continue to insist that sending armed FBI agents into Mar-a-Lago on Aug. 8, 2022 with deadly force authority was nothing new, critics are noting how there was nothing ordinary about the precedent-shattering raid in which […]

FBI demands ‘agility’ to continue warrantless and unconstitutional surveillance of U.S. citizens

FBI demands ‘agility’ to continue warrantless and unconstitutional surveillance of U.S. citizens

by WorldTribune Staff, April 3, 2024 Congress has until April 19 to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which enables the feds to spy on foreign nationals located outside the U.S. with the compelled aid of electronic communication service providers. This was the law exploited by the FBI to spy on members […]

Report: FBI targets potential 2024 MAGA voters as ‘persistent, evolving, and deadly’ threat

Report: FBI targets potential 2024 MAGA voters as ‘persistent, evolving, and deadly’ threat

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, October 5, 2023 Having declared the MAGA movement an “existential threat to American democracy,” critics say that Team Biden has decided to deploy the enforcement wing of the Democrat Party, also known as the FBI, to surveil and track Trump’s supporters as the 2024 presidential campaign heats up. Newsweek all but […]

Former agent testifies FBI had informants at Jan. 6 riot, confirms whistleblower accounts

Former agent testifies FBI had informants at Jan. 6 riot, confirms whistleblower accounts

by WorldTribune Staff, September 20, 2023 The FBI not only had paid informants at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, but had so many of them that it lost track and later had to perform an audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” run by different FBI field offices were present that day, […]

Whistleblower: FBI brass signaled agency to hide Jan. 6 confidential informants from public

Whistleblower: FBI brass signaled agency to hide Jan. 6 confidential informants from public

by WorldTribune Staff, July 12, 2023 Top brass at the FBI said that the identities of “problematic” confidential informants who were involved in reporting to the bureau from the Jan. 6, 2021 protest should be kept from the public, a whistleblower told the House Judiciary Committee. The whistleblower, an FBI agent, told the committee that […]

FBI’s Wray caves after pressure from Congress

FBI’s Wray caves after pressure from Congress

by WorldTribune Staff, June 2, 2023 Under threat of a “contempt of Congress” vote, FBI Director Christopher Wray has agreed to hand over a subpoenaed informant file alleging that Joe Biden engaged in a $5 million bribery scheme while he was vice president. Just The News reported on Friday that Kentucky Republican Rep. James Comer, […]

FBI agent, suspended without pay, cites agency’s motto: ‘Fidelity, bravery, integrity’

FBI agent, suspended without pay, cites agency’s motto: ‘Fidelity, bravery, integrity’

by WorldTribune Staff, October 18, 2022 A Florida FBI agent who was suspended without pay for blowing the whistle on what he said are the bureau’s violations of the 6th and 8th Amendment rights of Jan. 6 defendants offered a reminder of what was long considered the nation’s premier law enforcement agency is supposed to […]

FBI whistleblowers I: Parents opposing school boards got ‘threat tag designation’ as domestic terrorists

FBI whistleblowers I: Parents opposing school boards got ‘threat tag designation’ as domestic terrorists

by WorldTribune Staff, August 26, 2022 Whistleblowers have come forward to Congress to describe how the FBI investigated two dozen parents who were designated as “domestic terrorism” threats for their objections to local school board policies, mainly over the teaching of Critical Race Theory and mask mandates. The first whistleblowers came forward last fall after […]

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