Socialists prevail in Spain; Anti-Christian hate crimes spike in Europe

by WorldTribune Staff, November 17, 2023

Following a controversial political deal struck with Catalan separatist parties, Socialist Pedro Sanchez has been re-installed as prime minister of Spain.

Sanchez won enough votes in parliament on Wednesday after he granted amnesty to hundreds of Catalan separatists who attempted to secede from Spain in 2017. The leaders of that opposition movement, who fled to Brussels, will now be welcomed back for the sole purpose of supporting Sanchez in the government.

Spanish Parliament on Wednesday elected Pedro Sanchez prime minister by a vote of 179 to 171.

Millions of Spaniards protested in the streets of more than 40 cities and towns across the nation. At least a million gathered in the streets of Madrid to protest what they view as a socialist coup with many proclaiming Spain is a Christian, not a Muslim nation.

The Socialists’ win in Spain comes amid a sharp increase in anti-Christian hate crimes across Europe, according to a new report.

“Sanchez also sought and gained support from the Basque Nationalist party. In essence, the socialists and communists have teamed up to rule Spain,” the Human Events Media Group noted on Thursday.

Related: Only Tucker, independent media cover conservative nationwide protests rocking Spain, November 15, 2023

The vote in Parliament was 179 in favor of Sanchez and 171 against.

La Moncloa noted that Sanchez’s election “will be a win for those who back the welfare state, women’s rights, the integration of foreign migrants into Spanish society, and ‘respect for sexual diversity.’ ”

Meanwhile, anti-Christian hate crimes are on the rise across Europe, including physical violence, desecration, theft, and arson attacks on churches, according to a report released Thursday by the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe (OIDAC Europe).

The report for 2022/23 also highlighted that certain legal impositions in European countries target Christians specifically, who have many times been prosecuted for “hate speech” for simply sharing Christian values in public.

“Buffer zones” around abortion clinics have led to the criminalization of praying on the public streets outside, for example.

The report also revealed that legislation protecting parents’ rights to raise and educate their children in accordance with Christian values had been eliminated, specifically when dealing with gender identity and LGBTQ+ issues.

The OIDC Europe documented 748 anti-Christian hate crimes total in 30 different European countries, increasing from 519 in 2021. Arson attacks specifically almost doubled, rising from 60 to 105. There were 38 crimes of physical assault documented in 2022 including the violent murders of three Christians.

Many other attacks on Christians have been from far-left extremists such as Antifa.

These numbers, OIDAC noted, are most likely higher due to the amount of hate crime incidents that go unreported.

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