by WorldTribune Staff, December 3, 2021
Texas resident Bobby Bolin was required to get the Covid vaccination in order to be approved for a double-lung transplant. He was required to get the jab even though he previously had been infected with the virus and recovered.
After his second Moderna shot, the 49-year-old Bolin developed a pulmonary embolism and heart condition and died before he could get the transplant, his wife told The Defender.

Amy Bolin, said there was no reason her husband should have been forced to get the Covid vaccine.
“In the medical field, your goal is supposed to be to improve and save people’s lives, and instead you’re giving them one option — you either do this or you can’t get a life-saving transplant,” Amy Bolin told The Defender in an article posted on Nov. 29. “He knew that without lungs he was not going to live because his lungs were failing him. But look at what happened by making that choice.”
Bolin received the second dose of the Moderna vaccine on April 17. He developed a pulmonary embolism and atrial fibrillation — a heart condition characterized by an irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, chest pain and extreme fatigue. His health rapidly deteriorated and he passed away on Aug. 20.
When Bolin was approved for the transplant he was told he would be required to get the Covid vaccine, his wife said.
“Our entire family actually came down with Covid in December 2020,” Amy said. “When that happened for Bobby, he was immediately given the antibody transfusion. His transplant team was certain that because of his minimal lung capacity this would be certain death for him, but he didn’t really have any side effects from it. A loss of smell was all that really lingered for him.”
Bobby Bolin had been in the hospital multiple times a year for his lung condition and “never, never ever, had they ever identified any rhythmic issues with his heart until this occurrence happens” after his second Moderna dose, Amy said.
“And when I questioned it [the vaccine] of course it was ‘Oh no, that has nothing to do with it.’ And I said I can’t ignore the fact that the second injection just happened and now he has developed heart issues and blood clot issues that had never been present before, so why are we ruling that out so quickly rather than looking into that being a possibility, but it fell on deaf ears.”
Amy added: “For anyone who has an immunocompromised person in their lives, our lives did not change when Covid came about. We already lived a Covid lifestyle. We didn’t touch door handles, we didn’t go out with people who were ill, we already as a family … take those necessary steps to protect ourselves. So the idea and the guilt that is being driven by all of this that we have to protect everyone else. These are people who already know how to protect themselves as best they can.”
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