Redford urges Left to get real: What’s the point of impeachment without a planet?

by WorldTribune Staff, April 25, 2019

Hollywood ex-idol Robert Redford, in an Earth Day op-ed for Time, said impeaching President Donald Trump won’t mean much if climate change destroys the planet.

Robert Redford. / Wikimedia Commons

In the op-ed, titled “Don’t Fall for Political Distractions. Saving Our Planet Must Come First,” the 82-year-0ld Redford writes:

“Collusion, obstruction of justice, impeachment or not, greedy tax breaks, medical care for all or none, refugees seeking compassion at our borders — as a citizen, I care deeply about all these things.

“But I also fail to see how any of it will matter without a planet to live on. We are approaching an irreversible tipping point. The science of climate change is backed by examples of the damage mankind has caused all around us, every day and everywhere. None of us are immune anymore; no matter where we live, no matter our political party.”

“What will it take for our short-sighted leadership to stop questioning the reality of this global crisis?” Redford wrote.

In 2015, Redford told the United Nations that “moderate weather seems to be going extinct. Your mission is as simple as it is daunting: save the world before it’s too late.”

Last year, Redford took aim at Trump, saying, “For the first time I can remember, I feel out of place in the country I was born into and the citizenship I’ve loved my whole life.”

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