Question: Did U.S. and British intelligence collude with Clinton against Donald Trump?

WorldTribune, July 10, 2019

Former Amb. Kim Dorroch

This month, we introduce a new daily feature: ‘Question of the Day’. Let’s have some fun! Send your responses here [[email protected]] or comment on Facebook and we’ll publish the best.

Question of the Day, 10, 2019: The UK’s ambassador to the U.S. has resigned after a ‘dossier’ of his secret cables revealed him to be just as passionate and partisan in his antipathy for President Donald Trump as former UK spy Christopher Steele who was paid by the Clinton campaign to compile a dossier against Trump which was propagated to the media by U.S. intelligence officers. Steele “cannot credibly have undertaken the work without the knowledge of the SIS leadership, and therefore the UK Government,” according to a report of February 2018. Was the real collusion and interference in the 2016 presidential election orchestrated by U.S. and British intelligence officials?

Question of the Day, July 9, 2019:

Who were the users of open-source Wikipedia who deleted reference of former President Bill Clinton’s ties with billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and what was their motive? a) Patriotic Americans who wanted to keep Wikipedia entries free of partisan political bias; b) Risk management staffers at the Clinton Foundation simply doing their job of enhancing the influx of charitable contributions; c) Cyberwar operatives of China’s People’s Liberation Army for reasons known only to Xi Jinping; d) Please! It’s obvious [Please complete]:


It is all about politics and protecting the lovely Clintons from any accountability for their actions. Okay to frame anyone else including Trump – Joe Gleason

Big money buys a lot of coverup! – Keith Purdue