Poll: Media’s assault on Trump had devastating impact on its own credibility

by WorldTribune Staff, February 13, 2019

Public opinion has turned against the media in the 754 days since President Donald Trump took office, according to a new poll.

In the poll, 59 percent said media coverage is designed to ‘delegitimize the views held by Trump and his supporters.’ / AP / Evan Vucci

An IBD/TIPP poll which asked about “the public’s perception of the mainstream news media” found that “fully half the country says its trust in the media decreased over the past two years,” while only eight percent say they have more trust in the media.

When asked if media coverage is designed to “delegitimize the views held by Trump and his supporters,” 59 percent said yes, including 60 percent of Independents and 93 percent of Republicans.

Asked if the media is “more concerned with advancing its points of view rather than reporting all the facts,” 43 percent of Democrats said yes, along with 72 percent of Independents and 95 percent of Republicans.

The poll also found that 53 percent of respondents believe the media “prematurely declared President Trump guilty of collusion with Russia without sufficient evidence.” This includes 55 percent of Independents and even 22 percent of Democrats, which is more than one in five.

“If there is one takeaway from this poll, it is that the public now sees through the media and that establishment pundits and reporters have lost all of their moral authority,” John Nolte wrote for Breitbart.

“And now that the media’s Russia Collusion Hoax is unraveling right before our eyes, that number is only going to get worse,” Nolte wrote.

The chairman of Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Richard Burr, told CBS news in an interview published on Feb. 7 that the committee has found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

“If we write a report based upon the facts that we have, then we don’t have anything that would suggest there was collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia,” Burr, North Carolina Republican, told CBS.

Trump tweeted on Feb. 10: “Senator Richard Burr, The Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, just announced that after almost two years, more than two hundred interviews, and thousands of documents, they have found NO COLLUSION BETWEEN TRUMP AND RUSSIA! Is anybody really surprised by this?”

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