Should President Trump lower the boom on the DOJ? A dissenting view

Should President Trump lower the boom on the DOJ? A dissenting view

Special to By Grace Vuoto Editor’s Note: Dr. Grace Vuoto is happily married to Jeff Kuhner but took a different stance than his the recent column: ‘End Game: Why Trump must fire Mueller‘. Both are columnists. They debated this issue today during the popular ‘Kuhner Report’ on WRKO in Boston. President Donald Trump’s […]

The Donald and The Wall: By over-promising, he over-delivered

The Donald and The Wall: By over-promising, he over-delivered

Special to By Grace Vuoto In a chaotic and graceless manner, President Trump signed a $1.3 billion omnibus spending bill that failed to achieve funding for his seminal campaign promise: a wall along the porous southern border. This came as a political earthquake to his supporters, with many vowing to turn their backs on […]

America’s opioid crisis and the culture of death that feeds it

America’s opioid crisis and the culture of death that feeds it

Special to By Grace Vuoto In a March 19 speech in Manchester, New Hampshire, President Trump reiterated his call to “get tough” on drug dealers: He is directing the Justice Department to impose the death penalty on the worst traffickers. Trump vowed during his 2016 election campaign to craft policies to stem the opioid […]

Free Press Foundation to combat breakdown in American media culture

Free Press Foundation to combat breakdown in American media culture

by WorldTribune Staff, April 5, 2017 America is facing a breakdown in the free press which endangers the nation, say a group of news professionals who are taking action in response. The crisis came glaringly to the forefront during the 2016 presidential election and coverage of the ensuing Trump administration, according to the Internet site […]

2015 GREATEST HITS, NO. 5: What Giuliani said squares with what Obama has done

2015 GREATEST HITS, NO. 5: What Giuliani said squares with what Obama has done

Special to By Grace Vuoto Feb. 22: Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has sparked a media firestorm for stating the obvious: President Barack Hussein Obama does not love America. “I do not believe — and I know this is a horrible thing to say — but I do not believe that the president […]

2015 GREATEST HITS, NO. 21 – New leader of Free World gives the speech an American president should have made

2015 GREATEST HITS, NO. 21 – New leader of Free World gives the speech an American president should have made

Special to By Grace Vuoto Israel will fight Iran alone, if it must. That is the striking message Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered to a joint session of Congress, garnering thunderous applause and numerous standing ovations. The historic speech rebukes the appeasement foreign policy of President Obama. It recalls the battle of Chamberlain […]

Why conservatives should take a closer look at Mike Huckabee

Why conservatives should take a closer look at Mike Huckabee

Special to By Grace Vuoto The GOP has a tested, vetted candidate who won Iowa in 2008 and finished runner-up to eventual nominee Sen. John McCain in the delegate count. In the public arena of noisy, well-funded information campaigns, it’s easy to overlook the former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Is he the one who […]

New leader of Free World: Netanyahu gives the speech an American president should have made

New leader of Free World: Netanyahu gives the speech an American president should have made

Special to By Grace Vuoto Israel will fight Iran alone, if it must. That is the striking message Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered to a joint session of Congress, garnering thunderous applause and numerous standing ovations. The historic speech rebukes the appeasement foreign policy of President Obama. It recalls the battle of Chamberlain […]

What Giuliani said squares with what Obama has done

What Giuliani said squares with what Obama has done

Special to By Grace Vuoto Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has sparked a media firestorm for stating the obvious: President Barack Hussein Obama does not love America. “I do not believe — and I know this is a horrible thing to say — but I do not believe that the president loves America,” […]

#4 —The strange death of Hawaii’s Department of Health Director, Loretta Fuddy

#4 —The strange death of Hawaii’s Department of Health Director, Loretta Fuddy

TOP 2014 STORIES Special to, Jan. 10 By Grace Vuoto The controversy swirling around President Obama’s birth certificate simply will not die. Take a recent plane crash in Hawaii. Some facts are so striking they require further examination. On Dec. 11, 2013 a small plane in Hawaii on a routine flight in the middle […]