by WorldTribune Staff, November 5, 2017
Hillary Clinton, addressing the Harvey Weinstein scandal, recently told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria that “People who never spoke out before having the courage to speak out just clearly demonstrates that this behavior that he engaged in cannot be tolerated.”
What about Bill?

Hollywood and Democrat Party elites have closed ranks to condemn Weinstein and other prominent men accused of sexual misconduct as a virtual tsunami of revelations have flooded public awareness since the N.Y. Times broke the dam with its story of Oct. 5. Subsequent reports have even called attention to long-rumored widespread peophilia rings involving powerful elites.
However well-paid legal and PR forces have limited negative coverage of the most politically correct abusers and their most disturbing alleged crimes.
“The question is on everyone’s lips: How could we have let Weinstein’s crimes continue for so long? Yet there’s little in the Weinstein story – the years of whispers of impropriety, the past allegations by women, the intimate connection with a party that advertises itself as a defender of women – that doesn’t apply to Bill Clinton,” said Branko Marcetic of the online magazine Jacobin.
Major media are reluctant to touch reports of pedophile rings involving the rich and powerful protected by armies of lawyers. However Fox News has reported that former President Clinton traveled more than twenty times on registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s Boeing 727 that was known as the “Lolita Express”.
Reports last week revealed that Weinstein contributed the maximum $10,000 to Clinton while he was in the White House to fund his legal defense during the independent counsel’s perjury investigation related to his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.
Three other women – Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey – have accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment or assault.
Also contributing to Bill Clinton’s defense were Tom Hanks, Michael Douglas and Barbra Streisand, along with studio executives David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg, according to a 1998 article in The Washington Post.
Katzenberg denounced Weinstein after more than a dozen women accused Weinstein of sexual harassment or assault.
“You have done terrible things to a number of women over a period of years,” Katzenberg said in an email to Weinstein that he released last week. “I cannot in any way say this is OK with me. It’s not at all, and I am sickened by it, angry with you and incredibly disappointed in you.”
What about Bill?
Feminist publication Jezebel cited “Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Bill O’Reilly, R. Kelly, Roger Ailes, and Donald Trump” as “not the only men who have allegedly abused women from positions of great power.”
What about Bill?
Anthony Bourdain, who criticized Hillary Clinton’s CNN interview as “shameful in its deflection and disingenuousness,” was one of the few celebrities to bring up Bill Clinton’s name as part of the conversation. In doing so, Bourdain sparked a backlash from Clinton supporters and aides.
George Clooney condemned Weinstein’s behavior by also citing Ailes and Cosby – but not Bill Clinton.
Fellow actor James Woods, a rare Hollywood conservative, tweeted: “Did you forget President #BillClinton, George? The power imbalance between him and a helpless intern is prima facie sexual harassment.”
Hillary Clinton actually attempted to shift attention to President Donald Trump, telling the BBC that “we have someone admitting to being a sexual assaulter in the Oval Office.”
Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski noted that Bill Clinton ended up paying $850,000 to settle the Paula Jones case and resigned from the Supreme Court bar rather than face disbarment for lying under oath.
“There was a sexual assaulter in the White House. He was called Bill Clinton,” Lewandowski said on Fox News. “That’s the sexual assaulter she should be talking about in the White House.”
Asked by the BBC about the accusations against her husband by multiple women, Hillary Clinton replied, “That has all been litigated. That was the subject of a huge investigation as you might recall in the late ‘90s, and there were conclusions drawn. That was clearly in the past.”
Many of the allegations against Weinstein go back decades. Clinton said the movie mogul’s behavior was “intolerable in every way.”
Conservative commentator Tomi Lahren accused the former first lady of hypocrisy.
“The funniest thing about her comment there is that she finds this intolerable,” Lahren said on Fox’s “Watters’ World.”
“Um, you’re still married to Bill. Apparently you don’t find these things that intolerable.”
More than a dozen women have said they were pressured for sex or harassed by Weinstein and three women told the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow that Weinstein raped them.
A spokeswoman for Weinstein denied accusations of “nonconsensual sex” and said that “there were never any acts of retaliation against any women for refusing his advances.”
Other celebrities have since been accused of misconduct. Woody Allen, who has also been accused of sexual abuse in the past, has warned it could become a “witch-hunt atmosphere.”
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