by WorldTribune Staff, January 17, 2024
For the 2024 World Economic Forum (WEF) summit, Davos, Switzerland is “once again covered in Ukrainian flags in the name of freedom and democracy,” Human Events editor Jack Posobiec noted. “But here’s one word you won’t hear spoken once at Davos: Taiwan.”

Of course most in attendance would be proud to be considered fellow travelers of the Chinese Communist Party which has a major delegation at the event and which bans freedom and democracy as a matter of state policy.
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While many of the elites at the globalist confab were fretting over the likely White House return of Donald Trump, and scheming of ways to sabotage it, none dared touch what transpired in Taiwan this past Saturday — a smoothly-run, same-day results, transparent presidential election.
“Taiwan’s approach offers crucial lessons that can contribute to strengthening the democratic fabric of the U.S.,” Miles Yu, the former top China aid to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, wrote in a Jan. 17 analysis for The Hill.
Yu a former contributing editor for and current Senior Fellow and director of the China Center at Hudson Institute, outlined Taiwan’s tutorial on how to run an election:
One of the key takeaways from Taiwan’s 2024 elections is the unwavering commitment to election transparency. In the U.S., concerns about the legitimacy of elections have become increasingly prevalent. By emulating Taiwan’s example, America can adopt measures to ensure transparency in its electoral processes, ultimately bolstering public trust.
Taiwan’s Central Election Commission played a pivotal role in dispelling doubts about the fairness of the election. In the U.S., establishing an independent and impartial body akin to Taiwan’s CEC could significantly contribute to building confidence in the electoral system. Transparency measures, such as robust oversight and clear communication channels, are essential to addressing concerns about the legitimacy of election outcomes.
Same-day counting and announcement
Taiwan’s commitment to same-day vote counting and result announcement is a testament to the efficiency of its electoral system. The U.S. can learn from this approach by implementing measures to expedite the counting process and provide timely election results. Real-time accountability not only enhances the credibility of the electoral process, but also minimizes the window for misinformation and speculation.
In-person voting and voter ID
Taiwan’s insistence on in-person voting and the requirement of a voter ID contribute to the overall integrity of the election process. The U.S. can evaluate the merits of these measures in securing its own elections against potential fraud and ensuring that each vote is cast by an eligible citizen. Striking the right balance between accessibility and security is essential to maintain the trust of the electorate.
Banning of publication of polling results
To prevent media manipulation of voter ballot decisions, Taiwan implemented a ban on the publication of polling results 10 days before voting day. This strategic move ensures that voters make decisions based on their convictions rather than being influenced by last-minute polls. The U.S. could benefit from exploring similar measures to safeguard the integrity of the democratic process and reduce the effect of media sensationalism on voter behavior.
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