by WorldTribune Staff, September 22, 2016
Text from Rush Limbaugh’s Sept. 21 show:
It’s a sad observation, folks. I’m telling you, a sad, sad observation but it’s an observation that I don’t think I’m alone in making. It seems like rioting is almost expected now when there is a cop shooting. A cop shooting, period. Don’t care about the details. It seems like it’s now axiomatic that there’s going to be rioting or massive public protests or threats of rioting or threats of unrest every time the cops have to draw their weapons.
Now, stop and think about this. Where are we here? We’re in the United States of America. We are in the second term of the presidency of the first African-American president ever elected in this country, a former community organizer – ah – agitator, organizer, same thing, who promised and assured us, via hope and change, that none of this would survive the presidency. This kind of thing was destined for the ash heap.
![Rioters took to the streets of Charlotte for a second day on Sept. 21. /YouTube](
We aren’t going to have these kinds of divisive squabbles any longer because the election of the first African-American president would finally mean that we had matured and that we had seen the error of our sinful past. The election the first African-American president, not just that act, but the man himself with his promises and his assurances is going to unify us, the country was going to become one, the nation was going to be loved by all the peoples of the world, and, via hope and change, there would be an unbridled optimism that would spread coast to coast, east to west, north to south, all across this country.
And now look where we are. We’re nowhere. In fact, not only are we nowhere near that, we have regressed. We have regressed and we are in the process of regressing, specifically in the area of race relations, but in general throughout our culture. Our culture is being roiled. Our society is being torn asunder. It is happening with happiness on the part of those doing the asundering. They are gleeful and feel like they have an objective to accomplish here by further division, creating angst.
There doesn’t seem to be any desire for hope and change to mean anything positive. There doesn’t even seem to be any desire to want to try to unify to get along. Is it a coincidence? It seems like whenever the police anywhere – in Charlotte you have a black chief; you have a largely African-American city government; you have a largely black police force. And I think in the case of Charlotte you have an African-American cop. Why? Wasn’t the election of these people and wasn’t the commensurate rise in political power for African-Americans to mayoralties and city councils, wasn’t that supposed to also bring about, not an end, I mean, nothing ever ends, but why are things getting worse here?
You could look at this in some ways and say that our country, the people in our country, have actually tried to bring a halt to this. The majority of people in this country have done a lot of what they think they can do to demonstrate that they are not racists. African-Americans are routinely elected to positions of power all over this country, particularly in the Deep South. And yet it doesn’t seem to have mattered. Why is that?
I wish it had mattered. It doesn’t seem to, though. Black Lives Matter gets into gear no matter the specific circumstances of any particular police event now. It doesn’t matter what the details are. We have a police event, a cop draws a weapon, cop fires a weapon, that’s all we need to know. It’s all we need to know and we’re gonna get into gear, and we’re gonna find something to protest all in the second term of the first African-American president in this country who promised and assured us that these are the kinds of things that would cease. These are the kinds of things that we were going to finally be able to get past.
I’m telling you, we are regressing and it’s a shame. It’s just an abject shame. When I say “nobody wants this,” I’m talking about reasonable people. Nobody wants this, what’s happening in Tulsa today, last night, Charlotte, nobody wants this. But some do. Some are feeding off of it. Not new, I know. But I keep going back to hope and change. This was supposed to end because there was supposed to be hope. The election of Barack Hussein O, that meant there was hope, that means that we had changed direction, we were headed in a new direction, a positive direction.
There was to be a new sensitivity, a new awareness. In fact, people on the left were using the term “postracial society” to describe what the country would be like after the election of Barack Hussein Obama. We’re not post- anything. We’re worse post. We’re ipso post. We’re whatever is happening. It ain’t for the better. We are digressing, we are regressing, and it’s just a downright shame.
Remember, now, we have an African-American Charlotte police chief, we have an African-American victim, yet what is Black Lives Matter all about? White cops murdering innocent black men. That’s the narrative, that’s the meme, that’s the thing they raise money on and radicalize over. Not only do we have a black police chief here, we have a white mayor but black town council, if I’ve got that right.
It’s a predominantly black city government in Charlotte, North Carolina. I just throw that out there, because it does matter. If they’re gonna be the ones to make this about race, and if they’re gonna try to establish another Ferguson narrative here – that a white cop ran around, murdered an innocent black citizen, so it’s Black Lives Matter to the rescue – it’s not the case here. The facts do not match the Black Lives Matter narrative.