by WorldTribune Staff, February 28, 2019
Longtime Clinton agent Lanny Davis “choreographed” the Feb. 27 House Oversight Committee hearing featuring Michael Cohen, who is the “patsy” of a cabal which seeks to remove President Donald Trump from office, Rep. Jim Jordan said during the hearing.
Jordan, Ohio Republican and ranking member of the committee, noted that “This is the Michael Cohen hearing presented by Lanny Davis. That’s right, Lanny Davis choreographed the whole darn thing. The Clintons’ best friend, loyalist, operative, Lanny Davis put this all together. You know how we know? He told our staff.”
Davis “had to talk Michael Cohen into coming and, most importantly, he had to persuade the chairman to have” the hearing, the Republican added, referring to committee chair Rep. Elijah Cummings, Maryland Democrat.
Related: Kim-Trump summit? Cohen ‘ratfest’ is front and center for U.S. media, Feb. 27, 2019
“This might be the first time someone convicted of lying to Congress has appeared again so quickly in front of Congress,” Jordan said. “Certainly, it’s the first time a convicted perjurer has been brought back to be a star witness in a hearing. And there is a reason this is the first because no other committee would do it.”
In inviting Cohen to testify about Trump, “this committee is actually encouraging a witness to violate attorney-client privilege. Mr. Chairman, when we legitimize dishonesty we delegitimize this institution. We’re supposed to pursue the truth. But you have stacked the deck against the truth,” Jordan said.
Turning to Cohen, he added, “They just want to use you, Mr. Cohen. You’re their patsy today. They got to find somebody, somewhere, to say something, so they can try to remove the president from office. Because Tom Steyer told them to.”
Jordan noted that liberal billionaire Tom Steyer, who has led the leftist charge to impeach Trump, organized town halls in the congressional districts that elected Rep. Jerry Nadler, New York Democrat, and Cummings.
“The best they can find, the best they can find to start this process, Michael Cohen: fraudster, a cheat, convicted felon, and, in two months, a federal inmate. Actually, they didn’t find him. Lanny Davis found him,” Jordan said.
Cohen admitted in his testimony that he had strategized with Cummings and Rep. Adam Schiff, California Democrat, prior to the Feb. 27 hearing.
Jordan: ‘What did you talk to Mr. Schiff about?’
Cohen: ‘I spoke with Mr. Schiff about topics that were going to be raised at the upcoming hearing.’
Tweeted Jordan: “Whoa, Not just what time to show up? Actually what you are going to talk about?”
“Remember, remember how all this started: The Clinton campaign hired Perkins Coie law firm, who hired Glenn Simpson, who hired a foreigner, Christopher Steele, who put together the fake dossier that the FBI used to go get a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign,” Jordan said. “But when that whole scheme failed and the American people said, we’re going to make Donald Trump president, they said, we’ve got to do something else.”
“So now Clinton loyalist, Clinton operative Lanny Davis has persuaded the chairman of the Oversight Committee to give a convicted felon a forum to tell stories and lie about the president of the United States. So they can all start their impeachment process. Mr. Chairman, we are better than this. We are better than this. I yield back.”
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