by WorldTribune, June 13, 2019
The WorldTribune front page article on June 13 revealed the partisan role on controversial issues being adopted by activists at Gannett newspapers and on major U.S. corporate boards.
Our friends at are responding to the totalitarian consensus that increasingly challenges parental authority and suppresses private publishers. They have introduced a news service that publishes the best WorldTribune reporting and commentary and that of other member media groups.
Tell your local editor or others you know in the news business about Free Press International. Whether left, right or center, all publishers these days are in need of affordable and responsible editorial content which can either balance or supplement the service they provide their readers. By deferring to media monopolies on coverage of critical political, cultural and international news events, they are failing to serve their communities. The War of Ideas is intensifying and affects all corners of all of our lives wherever we live. Every voice should be heard.
If they won’t listen, and if your local fast food outlet won’t change the channel from CNN, they just might lose customers. After all, this is still a free country, and is here for you!
The Editors