Special to WorldTribune.com
In case you’ve managed to somehow escape it, June is Pride Month, and a seemingly endless gaggle of corporations are scrambling to show their solidarity with the homosexual agenda.
How many consumers are aware, however, that numerous well-known companies are actively promoting the sexualizing and physical and mental warping of children via their backing of “transgender kids” rights organizations?

The pro-homosexual organization the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), founded by radical ex-Obama administration official Kevin Jennings, strongly advocates for so-called “trans youth.” Its website champions a “model” transgender policy for schools that encourages school officials to help identify and steer vulnerable children into questioning their gender. This is to be done even if parents are known not to approve.
“Schools must still create a safe and supportive school environment for transgender students, even if the student’s family is unsupportive,” the policy (see page 8) reads. “In those instances, the administrator should meet with the student to discuss the ways that the school can support the student, such as access to the appropriate restroom, or use of a nickname. That discussion should also include what the school and district can do to support the student’s safety at home, which could include providing the family with resources to better understand their child’s needs and contingency planning for the possibility that the family inadvertently finds out the child’s transgender status.”
Among the companies that GLSEN proudly lists as “partners” on its website Disney, Hollister, Target and Wells Fargo are especially toasted under the “Valedictorian,” or highest-ranked, category. AT&T, Colgate-Palmolive, Delta, HBO, JPMorgan Chase & Co, McDonald’s, the National Basketball Association and Pfizer are prominently listed at various other support levels.
A Michigan-based organization called “Stand With Trans” is singly devoted to pushing the transgender agenda on children. It was featured in a fawning “Comcast Newsmakers” segment on May 30.
On its website the group declares, “Since 2015, Stand with Trans, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, has been dedicated to developing programs, educational events and support groups to serve the Transgender Youth. Our mission is to provide the tools needed by transgender youth so they will be empowered, supported and validated as they transition to their authentic life.”
A post titled “2018 Sponsors” states, “The following sponsors helped to make the 4th Annual Trans Youth Empowerment Workshop – ‘I Am Enough’ – possible. Stand With Trans is especially grateful.” Companies listed include Ally Bank, Bank of America, General Motors and Mercedes-Benz Financial Services.
An organization known as Gender Spectrum hosts an annual Conference and Professionals’ Symposium that conducts various age-grouped programs for youth spanning the gamut from kindergarten through high school. The “Middle School” program for the 2019 conference, scheduled for next month, is aimed at “youth who will have completed grades 6-8 by July 2019.”
According to a post on the Gender Spectrum website, under this program:
“Middle school aged youth will find an exciting mix of fun outdoor and indoor activities, along with interesting sessions for youth to learn more about themselves and their friends. This year’s middle school program will balance opportunities to delve deeply into gender while creating plenty of space for those less inclined to explore the topic and who simply want to have fun with peers.”
The conference will scandalously be held at St. Mary’s College of California, a private Roman Catholic university in Morgana, Ca. St. Mary’s hosted the 2018 conference for the organization as well.
A post for last year’s conference lists coffee retail giant Starbucks as an “organizational partner.” Pop singer Miley Cyrus’s Happy Hippie Foundation is another partner. Happy Hippie has partnered with Converse, the once-iconic sneaker brand now owned by Nike, on a variety of homosexual and trans youth efforts. In 2018, Cyrus designed a homosexual-themed sneaker for Converse, with the proceeds targeted to support “LGBTQ+ youth community partners globally.”
This year, Converse is upping its game. The company is using an 11-year-old child drag queen known as Desmond-is-Amazing” as a model for its new “Pride Collection.”
The encouragement of transgenderism among children as a way to circumvent parental rights is seemingly an accepted feature of the established homosexual movement.
The National LGBTQ Task Force is one of the largest homosexual organizations in the nation. It annually hosts a “Creating Change Conference” that serves as a sort of Super Bowl Week for sodomy.
The program for the 2019 conference, which was held in January, highlights a boggling array of sexual subgroups and issues. Pansexualism, asexualism and something called aromanticism are among the more outrageous categories that were addressed at the conference. What is aromanticism? According to page 16 of the official conference program, it’s “a romantic orientation where a person experiences little to no romantic attraction and/or has no desire to form romantic relationships.” The absence of romance is now a sexual marker of personal identity, according to the homosexual rights movement.
It goes without saying that transgenderism was a big part of the conference as well. And, of course, children were included in the platform. An “Equity & Justice” workshop described on page 66 of the conference program titled “A Home of Their Own: Gender Diverse Kids in Family and Dependency Courts” boldly advocates for the weakening of parental rights when it comes to transgender kids. “In family and dependency courts, judges make decisions about custody of gender diverse youth that impact their lives in big ways,” the summary of the workshop reads. It goes on to ponder, “How does transphobia impact judicial decisions about placement (of these children)? How do we balance parental religious freedom with the best interest standard?”
Yes, a major homosexual conference is discussing ways to reduce the authority parents have over their own children. Corporate sponsors to this conference (see page 4 of the program) include Ally Bank (once again), Bacardi Rum, Coca-Cola, Comcast NBCUniversal, General Motors (once again), the biotech company Gilead Sciences and Hilton Hotels.
USA Today and its fellow Gannett affiliate the Detroit Free Press are brazenly listed as “Champion Media” supporters of the conference. Take that into consideration whenever you read a “news” article on homosexuality in one of the over 100 daily newspapers owned by Gannett.
Americans appalled by the targeting of young and impressionable kids by the forces of gender confusion must ask themselves if they really want to give their money to corporations that are actively aiding in the obliteration of the innocence of childhood.