Special to WorldTribune.com, November 30, 2020
Corporate WATCH
Commentary by Joe Schaeffer
Former president and trusty old “community organizer” Barack Obama laid the groundwork for the Big Election Steal of 2020 in a speech made in 2014.
Obama delivered an address to Al Sharpton’s National Action Network on April 11 of that year that set the stage for the mail-in balloting shenanigans that now threaten to tear this nation apart, whether President Donald Trump is rightfully re-elected after massive fraud is exposed or Democrat Joe Biden enters the White House as a thoroughly illegitimate imposter.
We’re going to highlight excerpts from this important speech and connect them to the weakening of structural electoral integrity that led to this year’s banana-republic hoodwink.

Here’s Obama in his speech (bold added):
Across the country, Republicans have led efforts to pass laws making it harder, not easier, for people to vote. In some places, women could be turned away from the polls just because they’re registered under their maiden name but their driver’s license has their married name. Senior citizens who have been voting for decades may suddenly be told they can no longer vote until they can come up with the right ID.
Let’s start with the maiden name threat to our electoral integrity. A 2017 report by the conservative Government Accountability Institute titled “America the Vulnerable: The Problem of Duplicate Voting” reveals how this can allow multiple ballots to be issued to individual voters. “In some state voter registration systems, name changes will generate new voter registrations and leave former names, such as maiden names, active in the system,” the report states.
Former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach specifically warned about this in an April article for Breitbart:
“As the Colorado Secretary of State told me when Colorado first introduced all-mail balloting, it was a fiasco. Untold numbers of additional ballots arrived at addresses throughout the state. Even one of the Colorado state legislators received two ballots — she was double-registered under her maiden name and her married name.”
Duplicate ballots are of course especially dangerous with massive mail-in balloting. In October Patch.com asked county clerks in New Jersey about this very concern. From the article:
For example, when it comes to married vs. maiden names, the DMV automatic registration system is the culprit of most of them, [Warren County Clerk Holly] Mackey said noting that the election board became aware of this and tried to get all of the duplicates merged before the ballots were sent out.
Tried? Remember that in order to pull off their fraud, Democrats needed authentic ballots. Duplicate ballots are a bread-and-butter contribution to this cause. It’s impossible to imagine that Obama would not be aware of this in 2014.
Obama also painted voter ID requirements for senior citizens as a form of voting suppression. Harvesting senior citizen votes from nursing homes is a patented Democrat scam, as Milwaukee radio host Dan O’Donnell noted in a post for Wisconsin’s MacIver Institute on Nov. 18:
Systemic vote fraud in nursing homes is likely rampant not only in Wisconsin, but across the country.
“It is absolutely an epidemic,” explained the operator of an assisted living facility in Dane County, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “Votes are stolen all the time because it’s just so easy to do.”
Here’s another excerpt from Obama’s 2014 speech:
Some of the folks from Chicago know… one of the first jobs I had out of law school was to lead a voter registration drive in my home state of Illinois. We registered more than 150,000 new voters. And as an organizer, I got to help other citizens exercise their most cherished and fundamental rights. That mattered to me.
Obama is referring to his time at Project Vote, an organization founded by a man named Sandy Newman. Newman is most recently known for being exposed in the John Podesta WikiLeaks email dump as seeking to orchestrate a left-wing revolution in the Roman Catholic Church. “There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church,” Newman wrote to intimate Clinton crony Podesta.
“We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this,” Podesta replied to Newman.
Subversion isn’t just for elections.
As a 2014 NPR article heralding Obama’s efforts to champion “the cause of expanding access to the ballot box” explains, “[t]his is a story that begins 22 years ago when Bill Clinton was running for president. Civil rights activist Sandy Newman was looking for someone to run a voter registration drive in Chicago, and he turned to a community organizer named Barack Obama.”
“Project Vote used its second program, Election Administration, to oppose electoral integrity measures,” watchdog website Influence Watch states of Newman’s organization. “It advocated for the abolishment of voter identification laws, claiming that they disproportionately impact minority and low-income voters.”
“The effort that Obama led helped register more than 150,000 African-Americans,” NPR reported. “The campaign slogan was it’s a power thing. It made a powerful impression on Obama, who turned registering new voters into a big part of his own presidential campaigns two decades later.”
Project Vote was closely associated with another progressive “get out the vote” group. “In 1994, the organization began a decades-spanning relationship with the now-defunct Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN),” Influence Watch reports.
ACORN of course was notorious for its flagrantly fraudulent voter registration actions. As the Influence Watch dossier on it reports:
“In the 2008 election cycle, ACORN publicly claimed to have registered 1.3 million voters. This figure was later revised downward to 450,000 after it was found that ACORN both exaggerated their claims and that 400,000 registrations were rejected by election officials. Ten states opened election fraud investigations. In 2009, the state of Nevada brought criminal charges against ACORN for allegedly paying employees to register voters.”
A 2009 New York Times article on the Nevada scam reveals that it was centered around Clark County, home of Las Vegas. Big-city strongholds controlled by Democrats are natural friendly turf to pull off operations of this sort. “Acorn submitted 91,002 completed forms in Clark County, which includes Las Vegas, of which 23,186 turned out to be valid new voters who voted in November, according to data provided by [Nevada Secretary of State Ross] Miller’s office,” the Times reported at the time.
Now recognize that a former Obama official specifically declared that big cities in key battleground states would be subject to a Big Money-backed “block by block” saturation culling to inflate voter totals in 2020. Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell writes in an insightful Nov. 21 piece for Breitbart:
Earlier this year, just as it was becoming clear that Joe Biden would be the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, [Obama’s former campaign manager and senior adviser David] Plouffe published a book outlining his vision for the Democrats’ roadmap to victory in 2020, which involved a ‘block by block’ effort to turn out voters in key Democratic strongholds in the swing states that would ultimately decide the election, such as Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Minneapolis.
The book was titled, “A Citizen’s Guide to Defeating Donald Trump”’ and it turned out that the citizen Plouffe had in mind was none other than his former boss, Mark Zuckerberg.
Blackwell details how the Facebook CEO’s vast wealth was used to fund an operation so precisely targeted that it “dictated exactly how elections were to be conducted, down to the number of ballot drop boxes and polling places.”
Let’s go back to Obama’s 2014 speech:
Earlier this year, a bipartisan commission I appointed chaired by my election lawyer and Mitt Romney’s election lawyer came up with a series of modern — or common-sense reforms to modernize voter registration, and to curb the potential for fraud in smart way, and ensure that no one has to wait for more than half an hour to cast a ballot.
This commission recommended… mail-in voting! As well as greatly expanded early voting that now allows Americans to cast their ballots several weeks before Election Day. The commission was well aware of the dangers of mail-in voting and couched its endorsement of it with repeated calls for “the increased use of safeguards” at all stages of the procedure. The official document can be read here.
Obama’s commission also called for online voter registration and the introduction of the very types of voting machines now widely suspected of having played a major role in the November swindle. The commission called for:
Reforms of the standard-setting and certification process for new voting technology to address soon-to-be antiquated voting machines and to encourage innovation and the adoption of widely available off-the-shelf technologies.
As always with Obama, the great racial agitator skillfully used the specter of racism to get his fraud-enabling “reforms” implemented. Again from his 2014 speech:
And it’s interesting for me — I’ve been on this Earth 52 years, and so to see the progress we’ve made is to see my own life and the progression that’s happened. You think about Brown v. Board of Education, and the Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Act, and Freedom Summer. And with those anniversaries, we have new reason to remember those who made it possible for us to be here. Like the three civil rights workers in Mississippi — two white, one black — who were murdered 50 years ago as they tried to help their fellow citizens register to vote.
Obama’s address was praised by a fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice, one of the George Soros-funded groups that was publicly thanked by Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar for “securing” the state’s primary vote over the summer. But, Andrew Cohen wrote in an April 2014 piece for The Atlantic, the president needed to explain to mainstream Americans just why Voter ID is bad:
[Obama] has to explain to these affluent and middle-class voters how and why tens of millions of their fellow citizens, who also have a right to vote, cannot afford cars, or cannot otherwise drive because they are ill or too old, and who thus don’t otherwise have the need to have the sort of photo ID that some states now would require.
He’s got to engage with the woman who says blithely: “If I need to show ID to get cold medicine why shouldn’t I have to show an ID to vote?”
Even six years ago, the network had foreseen how crushingly divisive its assault on U.S. election integrity was going to be.
A look at the members of Obama’s Presidential Commission that helped pave the way for mail-in balloting is also telling.
The “bipartisan” fig leaf is provided courtesy of Commission co-chair Benjamin L. Ginsberg, a former George W. Bush campaign aide who served as Mitt Romney’s National Counsel when he ran for president in 2012.
On Nov. 1, just two days before the election, Ginsberg penned an opinion piece for The Washington Post titled “My party is destroying itself on the altar of Trump.” The article is a pre-emptive apologia for the electoral hijinks that were to come.
Commission member Brian Britton was Vice President of Global Park Operations and Initiatives at Walt Disney World Company at the time.
Trey Grayson was Director of the Institute of Politics at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
Larry Lomax was the Clark County Registrar in Nevada, a position he held during ACORN’s outrageous activities there in 2008.
Tammy Patrick was a Federal Compliance Officer for the Maricopa County Elections Department in Arizona. She is now a Senior Advisor at the leftist Soros-partnering group the Democracy Fund. Arizona played a crucial role in Joe Biden’s ersatz “victory.”
Christopher Thomas was Michigan elections director for 36 years. Yet another state that is the subject of massive controversy this year.
Kris Kobach warned us in April of what was about to go down. Here’s how 5 a.m. ballot dumps happen:
Mail-in voting also facilitates a second form of fraud: ballot harvesting — a form of fraud whereby someone purporting to deliver the completed ballots on behalf of voters only delivers those ballots believed to favor a particular candidate.
It all adds up to fraud, and poorly done fraud at that. The jarring spikes for Biden in the wee hours of Nov. 4 are red flags so big and bright a child can grasp their significance. This has been in the works for decades. And the point needs to be made: The Big Election Steal of 2020 absolutely could not have happened without Barack Obama.
Joe Schaeffer is the former Managing Editor of The Washington Times National Weekly Edition. His columns appear at WorldTribune.com and FreePressInternational.org.
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