Special to WorldTribune, August 31, 2021
Analysis by Joe Schaeffer
As the little people throughout the Western world rise up to voice their anger in ever-greater numbers, the ruling regime is making the critical (but probably unavoidable at this point) error of exposing the inner workings of its control apparatus to full view. We are seeing this phenomenon most clearly with the media.
In Canada, our increasingly nightmarish neighbor to the north, an astonishing thing is happening in clear sight. Irate citizens are confronting a deeply divisive Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at outdoor campaign appearances, fueled largely, but not solely, by Trudeau’s stated intention of enacting a myriad of social punishments against those who do not want to receive the coronavirus vaccine.

Tired establishment progressive Trudeau, lacking any other compelling message as the Sept. 20 Canadian election enters its final stage, has made the “hateful” protests against him his signature issue. And the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the official national public broadcaster, is working hand in glove to help him do so.
Here is the CBC reporting Aug. 29 on the Trudeau campaign trail:
For the second time in a week, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has had a campaign event disrupted by protesters shouting obscenities, uttering death threats against the prime minister and hurling racist and misogynist insults at people of colour and women in his protective detail.
While making a stump speech to promote his party’s climate change policies in Cambridge, Ont., Sunday morning, the Liberals were forced to delay Trudeau’s appearance for an hour because of the disruptions.
Signs brandished by angry protesters displayed slogans such as “Who benefits from the lock down?” and the “Liberals ruined the country,” with one protester shouting through a megaphone decked out with the name; “InfoWars,” a U.S.-based far-right conspiracy theory website.
Despite apparently having no recorded video to back it up, the CBC gave its “live” confirmation of the racism and sexism of the anti-Trudeauites, which naturally applies to all:
CBC News was present when a protester shouted a racist remark at a police officer of colour on Trudeau’s protective detail, while another protester was heard making misogynist remarks to a female police officer on the detail.
Curiously, this account just so happens to match precisely with Trudeau’s construction of an entire sloganeering narrative:
“This needs to make us ever more convinced of the importance of the choice in this election. Do we fall into division and hatred and racism and violence, or do we say no.”
A child could grasp what is going on here. But don’t let that stop the leading conservative candidate in the race from channeling his inner American RINO and apologizing for the scenario drawn up by his liberal opponent and its colluding media partner:
Speaking at an event in Fredericton on Saturday, Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole said he is trying to run a positive campaign, and he “strongly condemns any form of harassment” on the campaign trail.
“We should be having a healthy and respectful debate. We have no time for people who bring negativity to campaigning. I urge everyone to put the country and our democracy first — let’s have a positive debate of ideas on the future. That’s my approach, and that’s my expectation for every single member of our team,” he said.
And this is the headline to top it all off, of course:
Trudeau says he won’t back down after protesters hurl death threats, racist and sexist slurs
It’s all too much, isn’t it?
In an excellent video deserving of a full listen, conservative Canadian columnist Candice Malcolm, a columnist at the Toronto Sun and founder and Editor-In-Chief of the media platform True North, explains the matter well. This loaded media messaging isn’t just helping Trudeau’s campaign; this IS his campaign. Which means the CBC is functioning as an arm of the Liberal Party political candidate for prime minister.
Malcolm’s commentary can be seen here:
Around the 9:05 mark of the video, she ably quotes Trudeau’s “division and hatred” remark and then puts it into devastating perspective:
Now this is why I say that this is Trudeau’s favorite iteration of himself and this is his favorite way to campaign. The reality is that Justin Trudeau is an incredibly bitter, incredibly divisive politician. He repeatedly denigrates Canadians that he disagrees with. He uses hateful and divisive language to describe his political opponents. And he loves nothing more than to describe large swaths of Canadians as racist, Islamophobic… his recent one that he loves is calling them anti-vaxxers. In the last campaign you saw it over and over again, where he would describe his political opponents as white supremacists.
Malcolm goes on to add a crucial point:
He loves to pit Canadians against each other. And he is finally in a position where, because of these protesters, because of these hecklers, he can once again do that. And the media is all too happy to pick up on this storyline and push it for Justin Trudeau.
Sound familiar?
The ruling regime is working from the same playbook throughout the West. It seeks to stir up anger and conflict among those whom it seeks to control. The coronavirus has taught it the exceedingly valuable lesson that health hysteria can be as useful a tool in this endeavor as racial strife.
Any blowback from these sown seeds of bile that happen to head its way is used by a fully owned big-box media apparatus to cultivate a bogeyman of violent domestic extremism that serves to justify even more oppression.
The danger for the establishment is that what was once discreetly done behind a veil of secrecy is now being conducted in full public view. The more heavy-handed the orchestration becomes, the more difficult it will be to keep the whole bogus show running.
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