by WorldTribune Editor’s Line, March 24, 2022

Back in the days when the spirit of New York City transcended its Democrat political class, there was a liberal Democrat mayor by the name of Ed Koch who treated all journalists with respect, including those from the conservative New York Tribune of which I was editor.
He even accepted my invitation to write a weekly column which led to a prolific side hustle of his and a book, ‘How’m I doing’. The title came from his constant question to all whom he met on his daily forays into the streets of his beloved city. In fact that very question prompted my invitation during an interview. I answered by telling him that one of our socially conservative Jewish columnists vehemently disagreed with his policies. “Betty,” he sighed. “She hates me.”
Like the mayor, we would love to hear from readers. We turned off the comments on articles because we kept getting blitzed by bots and human nuisances. The algorithms on Facebook and Google are diligent about preventing our stories from going viral which before 2021 they did with regularity.
However, comments and letters to the editor by more traditional means are welcomed. By all means drop us a line.
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