‘Devout Catholic’? Biden does not believe life begins at conception

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, September 3, 2021

As the Left and its Big Media surrogates continue their all out effort to block the Texas fetal heartbeat law, after the Supreme Court rejected a petition to stop it, Joe Biden on Friday further revealed that his claim to be a “devout Catholic” is a myth.

An activist passing herself off as a reporter asked Biden what his administration will do to “protect abortion rights” in light of the Texas law.

Biden said the Department of Justice will look into ways to force Texas to allow abortion on demand.

Biden then added: “I respect those who believe that life begins at the moment of conception — I don’t agree but I respect that.”

The Catholic Church believes that all human life begins at the moment of conception.

In February of this year, Kansas City Archbishop Joseph Naumann said Biden “should stop defining himself as a devout Catholic, and acknowledge that his view on abortion is contrary to Catholic moral teaching.”

Naumann’s point was driven home by Biden himself with his Friday comments.

As Jon E. Dougherty pointed out in an analysis for Catholic Education Research Center:

Denying the fact that life begins the moment a female egg is fertilized is sheer lunacy or, worse, intentionally misleading. It is simply a matter of choice that millions of Americans have decided to believe that life only begins when they say it does at the moment of birth, or in the second trimester of pregnancy, or some other arbitrary guideline.

It begins when it begins at the moment a human being is biologically “under construction.”

Passing laws or writing constitutional mandates from the bench of the Supreme Court cannot change this fact. Indeed, it has not changed this fact; only our perception of the fact has changed, largely for reasons of personal convenience.

It is patently arrogant that we, as adults, get to decide for the most vulnerable of our society our unborn children, who cannot speak for themselves who lives and who dies. Or, if you prefer, who gets to experience further “development” and who doesn’t.

If we intentionally end any stage of a human life in development, we are committing an act of murder, as it has been defined by our society from its humble beginnings.

Any attempt to convince ourselves otherwise is little more than a mental joust with reality and an injustice to our unborn that we can never excuse away, try as we may.

In October 2019, Biden was denied communion at a South Carolina Catholic church because of his longstanding support for abortion on demand.

In June, White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters: “Joe Biden is a strong man of faith. And as he noted just a couple of days ago, it’s personal. He goes to church, as you know, nearly every weekend.”

Whatever “faith” Joe Biden claims to follow, it can’t be Catholicism.

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