Special to WorldTribune.com
On March 23, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton tweeted a graphic that promises “A Real Plan to Defeat ISIL”.
The plan: “1) Take out ISIL’s stronghold in Iraq and Syria; 2) Dismantle the global terror network; 3) Harden our defenses at home and prevent attacks.”
The vague tweet offered no actual substance or strategy and was widely mocked and ridiculed in the Twitterverse.
Among the responses to Clinton’s “plan”:
“Hillary Clinton’s plan to defeat ISIL: 1) Defeat ISIL. Thank God someone finally has a plan.”
“Hillary’s plan to defeat ISIL: 1) Invade Iraq and create them in the first place; 2) Somehow convince 50+1% of Dem delegates she’s qualified.”
“Step 1) Create GIF. Step 2) Accept surrender of ISIL.”
“The ‘Plan’ you just posted looks like a 4 slide powerpoint from a 6th grader. How do you intend to accomplish any of this?”
“If a child came to me with this plan, I’d ask them to try harder.”