In first, a U.S. president crosses DMZ into North Korea

In first, a U.S. president crosses DMZ into North Korea

by WorldTribune Staff, June 30, 2019 President Donald Trump on June 30 became the first sitting U.S. commander in chief to set foot in North Korea when he briefly crossed the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. Trump and Kim then walked into South Korean territory together and were joined by South […]

Report: 4 ISIS terrorists planned to enter U.S. from Mexico via Panama, Costa Rica

Report: 4 ISIS terrorists planned to enter U.S. from Mexico via Panama, Costa Rica

by WorldTribune Staff, June 28, 2019 Nicaragua’s military reported it has captured four Islamic State (ISIS) jihadists who had planned to enter the United States through Mexico. Nicaraguan authorities identified the men as two Egyptian nationals — 33-year old Mohamed Ibrahim and 26-year-old Mahmoud Samy Eissa — and two Iraqis, 41-year-old Ahmed Ghanim Mohamed Al […]

China’s organ harvesting of religious minorities continues, Tribunal finds

China’s organ harvesting of religious minorities continues, Tribunal finds

by WorldTribune Staff, June 27, 2019 China is continuing the practice of forcibly harvesting the organs of political prisoners, targeting mostly religious minorities, according to an independent tribunal. According to the 2019 final judgment and summary report by the Independent Tribunal Into Forced Organ Harvesting of Prisoners of Conscience in China, Falun Gong practitioners are […]

Trump sanctions forced Iran proxies to focus on fundraising

Trump sanctions forced Iran proxies to focus on fundraising

FPI / June 26, 2019 Less than two years after Forbes declared it the richest terror group in the world, Hizbullah is strapped for cash amid U.S. President Donald Trump’s sanctions which have crippled the economy of Iran, the organization’s main benefactor. The revenue stream from Iran has been cut so drastically, in fact, […]

New sanctions ‘will lock up billions of dollars in Iranian assets’

New sanctions ‘will lock up billions of dollars in Iranian assets’

Special to Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty U.S. President Donald Trump has signed an executive order imposing “hard-hitting” sanctions on Iran, including on the office of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, amid growing concerns the two countries are headed toward military conflict. The new sanctions will deny Iran’s leader and those close to […]

Google official: Don’t break us up; Smaller companies can’t prevent ‘next Trump situation’

Google official: Don’t break us up; Smaller companies can’t prevent ‘next Trump situation’

by WorldTribune Staff, June 24, 2019 Primarily conservatives, but also liberals, have come out publicly of late against Silicon Valley’s social media monopolies and their mind control clout. In March, Sen. Elizabeth Warren released a plan to break up tech giants such as Google, Amazon and Facebook. “Today’s big tech companies have too much power […]

President Trump says he paused Iran strike; Limbaugh hits ‘absurdity’ of media spin

President Trump says he paused Iran strike; Limbaugh hits ‘absurdity’ of media spin

by WorldTribune Staff, June 23, 2019 U.S. President Donald Trump says media reports that he had called off a planned retaliatory strike against Iran were erroneous. “I never called the strike against Iran ‘BACK,’ as people are incorrectly reporting, I just stopped it from going forward at this time!” the president tweeted. Reports on June […]

U.S. warns airlines about flight paths near Iran; Bolton sets ‘security talks’ in Israel

U.S. warns airlines about flight paths near Iran; Bolton sets ‘security talks’ in Israel

by WorldTribune Staff, June 21, 2019 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on June 20 issued an emergency order banning U.S. airlines from flying in an overwater area of Iran-controlled airspace following Teheran’s downing of an American unmanned surveillance drone. Meanwhile, the White House announced that national security adviser John Bolton will travel to Israel during […]

U.S. envoy heads to Mideast as pressure on Iran mounts

U.S. envoy heads to Mideast as pressure on Iran mounts

by WorldTribune Staff, June 20, 2019 U.S. Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook is headed to the Persian Gulf region to hold meetings with key allies to “discuss Iran’s regional aggression” and share U.S. intelligence “on the range of active threats Iran currently poses in the region,” the State Department said. The State Department said […]

Hong Kong backdown a crisis for CCP and Xi Jinping

Hong Kong backdown a crisis for CCP and Xi Jinping

FPI / June 19, 2019 By Richard Fisher Barely a week after the historic June 9 one million strong protests, on June 15, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam decided to “suspend” but not withdraw the controversial law that would have given China the right of extradition, the ability to take and remove Hong […]