‘Go to Cuba’: Fans of Brazil’s new leader offer advice to socialists’ sore losers

‘Go to Cuba’: Fans of Brazil’s new leader offer advice to socialists’ sore losers

by WorldTribune Staff, October 30, 2018 Amid threats of resistance from the Left, Brazilians supporters of President-elect Jair Bolsonaro have a message for those who prefer a socialist government: Love Brazil or leave it … for Cuba. On Oct. 28, Bolsonaro, a 63-year-old former army captain, defeated socialist candidate Fernando Haddad with around 55 percent […]

Venture funding for tech firms spiking in North Carolina’s Research Triangle

Venture funding for tech firms spiking in North Carolina’s Research Triangle

by WorldTribune Staff, October 30, 2018 A booming tech hub near Raleigh is only one reason venture funding for startups in North Carolina have reached $2.57 billion so far in 2018, a report said. The 2018 numbers are up 154 percent from 2017 ($1.01 billion) and a whopping 400 percent from 2013, when startups in […]

‘Crimes against humanity’ under Buddhist Burma’s generals and peace prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi

‘Crimes against humanity’ under Buddhist Burma’s generals and peace prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Burma’s human rights situation is deteriorating despite consistent pressures by the United States and the wider international community to stem the humanitarian crisis. In a rare address before the Security Council, Marzuki Darusman, human rights Rapporteur for Burma, aka Myanmar, presented a report which details […]

Columnist: Calling Trump anti-Semitic ‘is morally wrong and factually incorrect’

Columnist: Calling Trump anti-Semitic ‘is morally wrong and factually incorrect’

by WorldTribune Staff, October 29, 2018 Many of his critics were quick to label President Donald Trump an anti-Semite within minutes of the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue which left 11 people dead. Not so. Accused shooter Robert Bowers “is a raving anti-Semitic white nationalist who also despises President Trump. This might sound confusing to […]

Seoul president facing heat for ignoring economy in favor of wooing N. Korea

Seoul president facing heat for ignoring economy in favor of wooing N. Korea

by WorldTribune Staff, October 29, 2018 Critics say liberal South Korean President Moon Jae-In is prioritizing improved relations with North Korea to the detriment of his own country’s economy. According to Bank of Korea projections, South Korea will only create 90,000 jobs in 2018, down from its initial estimation of 180,000 in July, due to […]

Judgment Day: White House says media, anti-religious Left are stoking violence

Judgment Day: White House says media, anti-religious Left are stoking violence

by WorldTribune Staff, October 29, 2018 Divisiveness and anger in the U.S. are being fueled by fraudulent reports in the media and “anti-religiosity,” the White House said in the wake of the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue which left 11 people dead. President Donald Trump tweeted on Oct 29: “There is great anger in our […]

Belgium snubs Typhoon, chooses F-35s over Eurofighters

Belgium snubs Typhoon, chooses F-35s over Eurofighters

by WorldTribune Staff, October 29, 2018 The Belgian government has chosen to replace its aging fleet of F-16s with the U.S. F-35. Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said on Oct. 25 that he’d chosen the F-35 over the Eurofighter Typhoon (developed by Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain) because it was cheaper. Costs for the F-35 […]

Yahoo data breach: Victims could get $125 each in class action – lawyers to split $37 million

Yahoo data breach: Victims could get $125 each in class action – lawyers to split $37 million

by WorldTribune Staff, October 25, 2018 Yahoo has agreed to pay some $87 million to settle a class action lawsuit over a massive breach of user data. Most affected users could likely get $125 in the settlement while lawyers will get $37.5 million in fees and expenses, according to the settlement. Yahoo approved a $50 […]

Revolution: ‘Trump of the Tropics’ wins in Brazil: Opponent vows resistance

Revolution: ‘Trump of the Tropics’ wins in Brazil: Opponent vows resistance

by WorldTribune Staff, October 29, 2018 Conservative candidate Jair Bolsonaro – who survived an assassination attempt and was slammed for what critics called racist, homophobic, and sexist comments – was elected president of Brazil on Oct. 28. “We cannot continue flirting with socialism, communism, populism and the extremism of the Left,” Bolsonaro said in his […]

Silicon Valley has mounted massive, post-2016 digital offensive to remake political landscape

Silicon Valley has mounted massive, post-2016 digital offensive to remake political landscape

by WorldTribune Staff, October 28, 2018 The tech industry has unleashed an all-out offensive to elect Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections and thwart President Donald Trump’s agenda. Many employees in the industry are “are focused on closing what they perceive to be an innovation gap with the GOP two years after Trump effectively tapped […]