Al Qaida’s new tactics deliver old message: U.S. out of the Middle East

Al Qaida’s new tactics deliver old message: U.S. out of the Middle East

Special to ABU DHABI — Al Qaida’s tactics have clearly changed, but the strategy remains the same — the expulsion of the United States from the Middle East. And last week, it worked. They’re now called Salafists, but thousands of them stormed U.S. embassies in Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen […]

The media-generated myth of Romney’s incompetence

The media-generated myth of Romney’s incompetence

Special to By Brett M. Decker, The Washington Times The liberal media is pushing a narrative that the Romney campaign is crippled by poor management and indecision. Central to this storyline is the premise that Republican challenger Mitt Romney should be headed for a landslide victory given the economy and President Obama’s low approval […]

Now would be the right time to recall Obama’s words and actions in the Mideast

Now would be the right time to recall Obama’s words and actions in the Mideast

Sol W. Sanders   Only Lewis Carroll could have done justice to the Obama administration’s fall down the dark hole into the U.S.’ latest Middle East misadventures. Beginning with his Cairo and Istanbul speeches in the spring of 2009, President Obama attempted, indeed, “a new beginning,” as speechwriter Thomas E. Donilon, now, significantly, national security […]

No worries: Soft words and lots of them

No worries: Soft words and lots of them

Wesley Pruden Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama are men trapped in pickles. As the prime minister, Bibi’s first duty is to assure the survival of Israel. Against the prospect of another Holocaust, nothing else matters. Barack Obama’s pickle is a whopper made of his own bungling, and his stiffing the Israelis is part of that […]

What was that you said, Mr. Obama, about the return of U.S. prestige globally since 2009?

What was that you said, Mr. Obama, about the return of U.S. prestige globally since 2009?

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — The killing of the American Ambassador to Libya John Christopher Stevens, along with three other American diplomats, the storming of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt and the tearing down of the flag replacing the stars and stripes with a black banner, all allegedly in response to an American-produced […]

A national disgrace: Clinton’s real legacy, a disaster America is still paying for

A national disgrace: Clinton’s real legacy, a disaster America is still paying for

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Former President Bill Clinton has emerged as a hero to many Americans, especially liberals. He has become a Democratic icon, a deeply beloved figure. This is why he was tapped to give the nomination speech for President Obama’s re-election at the Democratic National Convention. The delegates in Charlotte loved it. The reason […]

Corruption personified: Bill Clinton’s rehabilitation by the Democrat media

Corruption personified: Bill Clinton’s rehabilitation by the Democrat media

Special to By Cliff Kincaid The author of the explosive book, The Whistleblower: How the Clinton White House Stayed in Power to Reemerge in the Obama White House, tells Accuracy in Media that the scheduled speaking appearance of former President Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday is more evidence that the […]

Soros-funded PAC started Akin flap; GOP saw chance to oust ‘Tea Party types’

Soros-funded PAC started Akin flap; GOP saw chance to oust ‘Tea Party types’

Special to By Cliff Kincaid The controversy over Missouri Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin’s abortion comments was started by a George Soros-funded Democratic Party Super-PAC and the “bait” was taken by Republican Party officials who wanted him out of the race for other reasons, says John Putnam, Missouri state coordinator for the national Tea […]