Syria’s future: Israel favors fragmentation while Saudis want reliable counter to Iran

Syria’s future: Israel favors fragmentation while Saudis want reliable counter to Iran

Special to By Brian M Downing The Syrian rebellion is bringing new security concerns to many countries, especially Israel. Under the Assads, Syria had been cowed by Israeli military superiority. Syria’s future, its intentions and capabilities, are in doubt. Israel cannot determine the outcome of events there – no state or group of states […]

Saudi religious police cited in death of motorist playing loud music

Saudi religious police cited in death of motorist playing loud music

Special to ABU DHABI — Saudi Arabia, facing continuing reports of abuse, has again pledged to reform the religious police. Officials said the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice would be guided by new rules meant to prevent abuse of civilians. In July, the police were blamed for the death […]

It’s the oil, stupid: The coming energy revolution

It’s the oil, stupid: The coming energy revolution

Sol W. Sanders   [See Archive] If we can get your attention off Dred Scott II — the Supreme Court decision on health care costs with its byzantine political implications — something perhaps as fundamental for the U.S. and world economies is happening: a second fossil fuel revolution. The Saudis are pumping oil like mad. […]

Election year petro-politics: Obama, Iran and the Saudis

Election year petro-politics: Obama, Iran and the Saudis

Special to By Brian M. Downing, A few months ago, Saudi Arabia lowered oil production and attributed it to excess world supply. Oil experts saw this as odd because Libyan and Syria production were way down and Nigerian production was thought in jeopardy from bombing incidents. Some thought the long awaited “twilight in […]

Saudi loses student visa over ‘indicators’ of security issues: He threatened to blow up White House

Saudi loses student visa over ‘indicators’ of security issues: He threatened to blow up White House

Special to WASHINGTON — A Saudi national has lost his student visa to the U.S.  after triggering “several indicators of national security concerns”. “ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] special agents from our Washington, D.C., office arrested a Saudi Arabian national who was admitted as an F-1 non-immigrant student and violated the term and condition […]

Saudis’ religious police goes high tech

Saudis’ religious police goes high tech

Special to ABU DHABI — Saudi Arabia’s religious police force plans to deploy advanced technology. The religious police, called the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, has signed an agreement to receive a range of technology from the state-owned King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology. The accord, […]

Saudis deploy 3,500 special forces, 450 combat vehicles to protect Haj sites

Saudis deploy 3,500 special forces, 450 combat vehicles to protect Haj sites

Special to ABU DHABI — Security forces assigned to protect the Islamic pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia have been bolstered by a huge armored fleet. The Interior Ministry has approved the deployment of more than 3,500 special forces troops to protect the annual Haj in Mecca. Officials said the forces would be bolstered by 450 […]

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