Greatest Hits, No. 11: What has happened to the West and its men?

Greatest Hits, No. 11: What has happened to the West and its men?

Cultural totalitarianism of the Postmodern era did the impossible — it changed the very nature of man Special to By Alexander Maistrovoy In my correspondence regarding the events in Cologne, an editor of a Russian newspaper asked me a natural, but discouraging question; “Where were the German men?”, he inquired of me, perplexed. Indeed, […]

Trump crisis in Beijing: Five ‘knowns and unknowns’ have Xi Jinping in the panic mode

Trump crisis in Beijing: Five ‘knowns and unknowns’ have Xi Jinping in the panic mode

Special to By Willy Lam, ‘Inside China’, “As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t […]

Trump’s election is bad news for Iran, great news for Israel

Trump’s election is bad news for Iran, great news for Israel

Special to By Norman Bailey The post-election period in the U.S. has been every bit as weird as the election itself, with the exception of one important fact: so far president-elect Trump has made a number of unremarkable and generally highly-qualified appointments. The weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth on the part of […]

Hillary ‘stepped up’ in 3rd debate, enthuses UK advocate of right to late-abort mildly-deformed babies

Hillary ‘stepped up’ in 3rd debate, enthuses UK advocate of right to late-abort mildly-deformed babies

Special to Joe Schaeffer Hillary Clinton’s strident defense of partial-birth abortion at Wednesday’s final presidential debate gives a needed boost to those in England and Wales who would choose to abort their pregnancy at the last moment if their unborn child had a defect as simple as a cleft palate, the CEO of Britain’s […]

Bring back the sheriff: As thug regimes get in their final blows, real world leaders are backing Trump

Bring back the sheriff: As thug regimes get in their final blows, real world leaders are backing Trump

Special to By Alexander Maistrovoy It is difficult to say who will be elected by American people, but the world (except sterile Western Europe) has made its choice. And this choice, despite formal logic, is the “racist,” “sexist,” “imperialist”, “islamophobe” Donald Trump. In New York, the President of Egypt Abdul Fatah Sisi met with […]

Something significant is going on in Saudi Arabia

Something significant is going on in Saudi Arabia

Special to By Norman Bailey A recent report from the kingdom indicates that dropping hostility to Israel is part of the Saudi regime’s far-reaching reform plans. Israel should respond. In the Sept. 14 issue of POLITICO magazine, retired U.S. diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad published a report on his most recent trip to Saudi Arabia and […]

All is not well in China, but CCP media unleash glowing info-offensive

All is not well in China, but CCP media unleash glowing info-offensive

Special to By Willy Lam, ‘Inside China’, Propaganda specialists surrounding President Xi Jinping are working overtime to burnish his reputation as a close-to-the-people savior who can best acquit himself of Chairman Mao’s “serve the people” credo. Xinhua News Agency over the weekend released a long dispatch on “the basic reform orientations” of Xi […]

Rise of Eurasia: From the Washington-centric era to Moscow, capital of history?

Rise of Eurasia: From the Washington-centric era to Moscow, capital of history?

Special to By Yossef Bodansky, Senior Editor, Global Information System / Defense & Foreign Affairs German Protestant pastor, theologist, and cartographer Heinrich Bunting published his masterpiece Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae (Travel Through Holy Scripture) In 1581. In the book, he included a special illustration/map titled “Die ganze Welt in einem Kleberblat/Welches ist der Stadt Hannover […]

In a world of surging technology and incompetent governance, Israel’s success stories are not being told

In a world of surging technology and incompetent governance, Israel’s success stories are not being told

Special to By Norman Bailey It is widely recognized, almost to the point of being a cliché, that, in the past half-century, astonishing scientific and technological advances have far outpaced the political, economic and social structures within which they take place. Indeed, as millions of Syrians and others can testify, there has not only […]

Trump is morally unfit, say these Hollywood stars who passionately defended child rapist Polanski

Trump is morally unfit, say these Hollywood stars who passionately defended child rapist Polanski

Special to Joe Schaeffer Three-time Academy Award-winning actress Meryl Streep recently expressed “shock” that her former co-star Clint Eastwood is supporting Donald Trump, declaring that she hoped he would be “more sensitive” than that. She has also been quoted as saying that “all the women say no” to a Trump presidency. In Streep’s world, […]