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It is difficult to say who will be elected by American people, but the world (except sterile Western Europe) has made its choice. And this choice, despite formal logic, is the “racist,” “sexist,” “imperialist”, “islamophobe” Donald Trump.
In New York, the President of Egypt Abdul Fatah Sisi met with Trump and characterized him as a “strong leader.”

The presidents of the Czech Republic and Hungary, Milos Zeman and Viktor Orban, urged Americans to elect Trump. According to Orban, Trump would be a better leader than Obama, and Zeman compared him with Reagan.
Russia, Israel and the Arab monarchies would also like to see Tramp in the White house.
In India, nationalists sing mantras devoted to Trump, in Serbia demonstrators chant “Vote for Trump!”
Related: Trump to Egypt’s Sisi: More than an ally, ‘the United States will be a loyal friend’, Sept. 20, 2016
It’s not surprising.
During the eight years of Obama, Clinton and Kerry’s rule, America has become a pariah. It is in isolation, and this is not the “brilliant isolation” of Victorian England. It is a miserable and shameful isolation.
You can hardly find a regime that hasn’t taken advantage of opportunities to humiliate the leaders of a once great country and all of its people.
- In July, 2012 protesters in Egypt, with the connivance of the authorities, threw tomatoes and shoes at Hillary Clinton’s motorcade accompanying this action with the shouts “Monica, Monica”. The paradox arises from the fact that Clinton was going to meet with Mohamed Morsi, whom she supported.
- Kerry allowed the Egyptians to search him twice before the meetings with Sisi, as if he was a second-rate journalist – the first time in Cairo in July 2014 and the second time in China in September 2016. This humiliation seemed to be fine with Kerry.
- Erdogan blackmails the White House defiantly, threatening to break the strategic relationship with the U.S. if they don’t extradite Fethullah Gülen. In response, Kerry and Biden offer bows of deference.
- Putin has regularly humiliated his “American partners” by making them wait for him. At the G20 summit in Mexico in 2012, he was 40 minutes late for the meeting with Obama. In the realm of international protocol, this was a slap in the face.”Putin has made it clear that he was bored in these negotiations. He never apologized for being late”, Clinton acknowledged. However, that was a sheer trifle as compared to May 2013, when Kerry, who arrived to Moscow to discuss the conflict in Syria with Putin, had to wait … for three hours. Kerry did not take offense.
- In June, 2014 the Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said that “the Polish-U.S. alliance isn’t worth anything”. “It is downright harmful, because it creates a false sense of security.”
- In Saudi Arabia, Obama was met at the airport by the governor of Riyadh in a public slap to the president. The meeting wasn’t even broadcast on Saudi TV, as if he was an ambassador of Lichtenstein.
- The same happened in Cuba. Obama, who was so proud of his “historic breakthrough” in relations with Havana, was met not by Raul Castro, but by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. However Obama only smiled and spoke about “new horizons”.
- Iranians “thanked” Obama for the lifting of sanctions by mocking the U.S.: they arrange provocations in the Gulf regularly, demonstrate footage with kneeling American marines and make the U.S. pay for the release of hostages.
- In China, Obama was the only world leader at the G20 summit who got off the plane through the emergency exit and without the red carpet, as if he was the head of Somaliland. Obama appeared to take no offense.
- The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte called the US president a “son of a whore” and promised “to curse him” — Obama described him as a “bright guy” and discussed bilateral relations between the two countries afterwards.
This is the resume of modern history’s epic drama: the West in general, and its flagship — the U.S. being turned into a whipping boy, a punching bag, an object of ridicule, vilification and abuse. And the Obama administrations seems to be quite happy with this situation.
Over four thousand years, mankind has not changed a lot. The politics of leading countries in Eurasia — from the Eastern Europe to China and from Russia to the Arab world — is based on the time-honored traditions of historical memory, the feeling of uniqueness, ancient culture and of course national dignity. The absence of these makes geopolitics impossible.
The rejection of national dignity, from their point of view, defeats the purpose of the very existence of the nation, turns it into a mob, a herd, some amorphous mass. A state that abandons its national dignity is doomed.
For America and Western Europe — it is a mere rhetoric. For people of Eurasia and their leaders — it is a root of life giving the vitality that fills them with faith and hope.
They consider the Western leaders, with their naivety, mantras about peace, tolerance and “human rights”, political correctness and self-flagellation, as a miserable parody of state leaders: Pickwick Club, aliens, creatures from incubator — pathetic, cowardly, mercantile and pathologically ignorant. This encourages them to seek new allies at best or provokes aggression against the West at worst.
For heirs of ancient civilizations, the America of “Obama followers”, Hillary and Kerry is not even a “paper tiger.”
This odd “creature” causes mixed feelings:
- Gloating — because no one here has ever felt sympathy to the “Yankees” with their wealth and prosperity, and those who did — they were disillusioned.
- Increased salivation — because a dying hippopotamus is always an excellent dish for predators, and the ocean is no longer a strong defense against missiles, terrorism and cyber-attacks.
- A sense of permissiveness — the “world policeman” has turned into a senile bumpkin with his super-modern weapons chasing Pokemons.
- And … confusion – because the sheriff’s resignation means chaos, anarchy, a war of all against all.
All restrictions have been removed and the law defended by guns and batons doesn’t exist anymore. On The Island of Doctor Moreau, all are free and therefore doomed, since no one possesses a total supremacy, as the U.S. does, but they possess a deadly weapon.
That is why the world would like to see, as ironically as it sounds, a strong America again.
Some of them — such as the Eastern Europe, Egypt, Israel, Saud Arabia and Persian Gulf monarchies — would like to return to the generous patronage of the U.S.
Others – like the Turks and the Greeks, Indians and Pakistanis — need a strong referee to avoid slipping into the abyss of all-out war. More powerful countries — like Russia and China — want to divide their spheres of influence and deal with a reliable partner.
In any case, this ally — a partner or a referee — shall be sane, strong and predictable.
The leader of the great power that wasn’t able to send helicopters to save their ambassador from the barbarian’s gang in a foreign country, is miserable.
The leader, who promises “reset” today, but intrudes your vital space tomorrow and moralizes about human rights, is unpredictable.
Leaders releasing the maniac from prison can hardly be called sane.
The leader, who sends secret diplomatic correspondence from their mailbox, raises concerns with regards to their mental abilities.
Leaders who draw “red lines” and forget about them the next day; who refuse to deliver weapons to the friends fighting against terrorists in Sinai, Gaza and Yemen; leaders that cannot call “Islamic terror” the Islamic terror – they cause nothing but rage and contempt.
The world feels nostalgia for a “sheriff” and therefore prefers Trump, although they hardly like him.
Alexander Maistrovoy is the author “Agony of Hercules or a Farewell to Democracy (Notes of a Stranger”), published recently by Xlibris, Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble).